Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

— Euripides
Book 2 Cover

Book 2 Cover

Here we are at book 2 of Genocide Man!  This cover image is the first art from our new artist Michael Yakutis, of Webcomics Underdogs and Praesidium.

Now, the book covers are a bit sparse and that’s my fault.  I wanted something in line with the book 1 cover, and Michael delivered for me.

But come back on Thursday — that’s right, we’re updating every Monday and Thursday now — and you’ll see something special from Michael and me.  I think you’re gonna love it.

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Discussion (17)¬

  1. Siirenias says:

    I love how each artist gives a similar feeling in a different way. I can’t wait!

  2. Ming the Merciless says:

    Loooove Girii new nose!

  3. Sonja says:

    I like it! Looks good!

  4. Skur says:

    Uff. Suddenly: Different faces. It actually is much more difficult for me to take than I thought.

    Also: Did Girii lose half her weight?

  5. Sonja says:

    @Skur: Hm, you’re right. Girii is way too thin.

  6. Remus Shepherd says:

    Girii’s nose isn’t much different. I told Michael to have her lose some weight (there’s a span of time between chapters 8 and 9) and to do what he wanted with her hair. 🙂

  7. NH says:

    Considering the amount of running around they have made during the first book it’s not surprising that the shape of the characters have improved.

  8. Flowraider says:

    Me likes the new art style. Happy to have you navigating this ride, Michael.

  9. Zarpaulus says:

    Everyone’s less “blocky”, Giri’s lost a lot of weight, I mean she is an Eskimo who’s been running through Africa and South America for some time, and Dahnai seems to have changed at least one of her source breeds.

  10. The Sidhekin says:

    I’m surprised Girii’s lost so much bulk. She’s still supposed to be super strong, right?

    But I’m even more surprised Roger’s found a comb. 😉

  11. Bobbageddon says:

    Msaka looks badass and I’m glad Largo made the change relatively unchanged, all of the characters look awesome. Congrats, Mr. Michael. RS- I’m glad you went to Mon-Thurs, but two updates a week, I won’t know how to act…in a good way ….

  12. Ming the Merciless says:

    “Giri’s nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed” Blaise Pascal…

  13. SCAScot says:

    Largo looks angry and Jacob’s got…something…splattered on his shirt. Hmm…

  14. Remus Shepherd says:

    The blood splatter is, again, a link back to the cover of book 1. It’s a graphic shorthand, a sign that tells onlookers, ‘This is the guy that kills people.’

  15. Ming the Merciless says:

    While killer wannabe Caera always fail in epic fashion!

  16. vonBoomslang says:

    Seems Girii lost some pounds and Jacob got some years. Huh, I don’t mind.

  17. Nice to hear the positive reactions to the cover. Thanks everyone!