Stapp’s Law: The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle.

Chapter 9, Page 2

Chapter 9, Page 2

To those that celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!  Girii’s brought the groceries.

One of the benefits of having Michael do the art is that we have a large buffer of comics to load up and we can zoom straight through the holidays.  By the time you read this, I will probably be in a food coma.   Then tonight my girlfriend is dragging me to midnight shopping at the mall.  I think I’d rather be in a crumbling favela in Brazil.  🙂

↓ Transcript
Roger: They were already spooked. We're creating an urban legend here. Five square blocks of haunted slums that nobody can enter. With my video cameras covering every square inch. Of course they're spooked.
Girii: I didn't think it would be like this. Living in a dump, driving foragers away...
Roger: When G.U.S. comes for Jacob, this place won't be safe.
Girii: I know. I just thought it would be different, life with a Genocide Man.
Jacob: Beats the alternative.
Girii: Jacob. I got your groceries.

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Discussion (2)¬

  1. Darls Chickens says:

    Girii at the marketplace, I can see it now.

    “Yaahh! It’s the mad white witch from the forbidden quarter! Paper or plastic?” 😉

  2. LT says:

    Really, Roger now looks like a Noir version of The Cat. i like it. So, I figure that the amount of time our “heroes” spend in South America is directly proportional to the possibility of them having to fight a genetically enhanced Joseph Goebbels.