Note: I’ve added your name to my little black book. When it’s released upon my death, you can expect to be indicted on—[flip flip flip]—16 counts of…well, that’s our little secret, isn’t it?

— Bill in Portland Maine
Chapter 9, Page 3

Chapter 9, Page 3

Ah, thermite.  Backup plan for creative violence since 1895.

↓ Transcript
Roger: What are you doing with all this paint?
Girii: And Beer? I thought you couldn't get drunk.
Jacob: You never know...maybe I like the taste of... Uraguayan... 'Yerba Duro'? Is this even beer?
Girii: You said aluminum cans.
Jacob: Yeah, I did. Aluminum plus Iron Oxide from the paint makes thermite. Got to be prepared.
Roger: Wait -- thermite? Is G.U.S. going to bomb these slums, or are you going to blow them up?
Jacob: First one, then the other, probably. Make sure you get it all on camera.
Roger: Of course I will. I get...everything.

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. Yotz says:

    Tungsten would do even better. Pity they are not massproducing paint with tungsten oxide in future.

  2. Remus Shepherd says:

    If anyone forgot that we’re also updating Thursday, be sure to hit the ‘Previous’ button to catch the page you missed!

  3. Siirenias says:

    That last line seemed unexpectedly profound.

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    Oh, and for reference, ‘Yerba Duro’ is meant to translate to ‘Hard Yerba’ — an alcoholic brew of Yerba Mate Tea. I only mention this because Pope Francis’ love of yerba is in the news *today*.

    I love it when real life and comic stories align…as long as they don’t get too close to each other.