Freddie experienced the sort of abysmal soul-sadness which afflicts one of Tolstoy’s Russian peasants when, after putting in a heavy day’s work strangling his father, beating his wife, and dropping the baby in the reservoir, he turns to the cupboard, only to find the vodka bottle empty.

— P. G. Wodehousem
Chapter 12, Page 14

Chapter 12, Page 14

Not much I can say in the middle of an action sequence.  Caera is having a bad day.

↓ Transcript
Caera: Wha --

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Discussion (11)¬

  1. The Aussie Bloke says:

    Pay attention, folks. This is why tassels on the end of swords is a BAD IDEA.

  2. Sonja says:

    Caera has a quite surprising day. She should have taken a look on the chapter cover!

  3. Moxie Man says:

    Girri, you’re suppose to sink the sword through Caera, then rip it out and hurl it through the window. THEN, you “WHAM” Caera through the wall. But…eh…close enough.

  4. Unmaker says:

    Caera is supposed to be fast as well as strong. It seems unlikely that Caera didn’t get any action between panels 2 and 4 despite the fact that Girii had time to completely switch grips. The lack of counter strikes makes sense for panels 1 and 2 because Caera was a bit surprised, but not for later.

    But I do like seeing Caera get her ass kicked.

  5. SCAScot says:

    @Unmaker – remember, Girii is an empath. And she’s enraged. At Caera. It’s quite possible that this combination, plus actual physical contact making the empathic contact stronger, has simply overwhelmed Caera’s brain, meaning all the lightning fast reflexes in the world aren’t going to help.

  6. Ming the Merciless says:

    Caera Shou need to have a ceramic voice box there…
    That would kill anyone else!

  7. Demian says:

    3 different types of not-so-human females in a weaponless brawl. Cant wait for the next few strips.

  8. Ming the Merciless says:

    At minimum, Caera will sport Glasgow sunglasses…

  9. I would imagine Caera is also less experienced with her new abilities.

  10. Ming the Merciless says:

    Must have doubled the readership, what with everybody coming back two or three times to have a look at Caera getting whacked!

  11. Kyle Voltti says:

    hulk smash