Note: I’ve added your name to my little black book. When it’s released upon my death, you can expect to be indicted on—[flip flip flip]—16 counts of…well, that’s our little secret, isn’t it?

— Bill in Portland Maine
Chapter 15, Page 5

Chapter 15, Page 5

See how much I had to throw at Kasey?  First Lola and the G.U.S. screen room, now Girii and the tunnels and the springer drones!  You knew those little guys would be back, right?  You can’t keep a disposable killbot down.  Well, you can, but the Genocide Project can always build more killbots.

↓ Transcript
Girii: Can you hear me, Kentaro?
Kentaro: Yes. I took over the security network and comm system days ago. They're cutting through the next barricade...careful, there are gaps.
Girii: Whoa!
Soldier 1: I saw movement. Got a trace, thirty meters ahead.
Soldier 2: Send the drones over there. They don't miss.

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Moxie Man says:

    After the sound effects in the Brazil segment, I’ll always envision the drones as squirrel mechs. 🙂

  2. Jerden says:

    The adorable little killbots! I want a pet!

  3. FYI, the page # is wrong in the title.

  4. Pat Scaramuzza says:

    Huh? Crap, I must have fat-fingered that. I’ll fix it tonight. Thanks, Tim!

  5. ghostwhitehorse says:

    Oh, poor G.U.S. commando. . .never, ever taunt Murphy. NEVER.