Humor isn’t learned in school, it’s learned in maximum security prison and rehab.

— Kokopelli
Chapter 7, Page 2

Chapter 7, Page 2

Before anyone asks, that’s a capybara in panel one — a large rodent, sometimes kept as pets.

No translations on this page, but I’m going to need help with Portuguese soon. Just point out any mistakes I make, don’t be shy. 🙂

↓ Transcript
Roger voiceover: The A.I.'s directions sent us to a little village named Ruacrenca. Our last instruction was to buy pinapples -- and ask for 'Largo'.
Merchant: Si, Largo. You'll find him at the Dancer's tree. I'll show you a map. You will need many pineapples.
Roger's voiceover: We found the Dancer's tree after a few hour's hike in the jungle. It was hard to miss.
Jacob: A brazilian pine with birch bark?
Girii: Pretty.
Jacob: Completely unnatural.
Girii: Still pretty.

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    Yeah, I recognized the capybara before reading the comment!

  2. redstar4242 says:

    wait, people keep capybaras as pets? awesome.

  3. Thomas says:

    Its a magnificent pet, imagine how much wood it would pulverize with those magnificent dentures!

    And I am betting that Largo is a very clever monkey of some kind, that lives in or near that crazy genetically modified tree.

  4. I had some idea about pushing pineapples and shaking trees, but… no, I must be mistaken. Must be a stretch. Right, onward!

  5. Ming the Merciless says:

    ” imagine how much wood it would pulverize ”

    Blessing for the capybara that he does not as every time a beaver tackle a large tree(by chewing around it)they often only succeed at killing themselves. The concept of directional cutting is lost on them and either the tree fall on them or the head get hooked and swing the trunk back and crush the poor dumb animal. Yet, they build wonderful and huge dams with the proceeds. That is, if greed don’t overwhelm them and they get satisfied with smaller trees.