No, I’m perfectly healthy. I simply like to whine a lot and try very hard to get myself killed. It’s a hobby of mine.

— Steekman
Chapter 20, Page 19

Chapter 20, Page 19

There was a bit of dialog trimmed from last page that you might find interesting:


Roger:  She gained back all the weight.

Jacob: And then some.  Looks good on her, though.  Kid was hanging around a thin old man for too long.

Roger:  We ate okay.

Jacob:  Wasn’t the food.  She spent too long inside my head.


Can’t fit all the text I want to inside a comic page.  Although on this page I came close…


↓ Transcript
Roger: Speaking of being old...I heard we missed your 100th birthday. I got you a present.
Jacob: A gold watch.
Roger: That's traditional, isn't it?
Jacob: For a retiree, yeah. Yeah, thanks.
Roger: If you come out of retirement, you're supposed to give it back.
Jacob: No worries there. She's your problem, now.
Roger: You mean Girii? Do you think she'll be a problem?
Jacob: That's for you to decide, Roger. I know you report on her...but have you listened to her?

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Discussion (11)¬

  1. Drace says:

    …world is going to need lola?

  2. Moxie Man says:

    I’m waiting to see if Dahnai/Largo come out of hiding before the tale wraps-up completely.

    • Pat Scaramuzza says:

      I wanted to do that so bad! But I couldn’t find a good reason for it. Dahnai’s smart, she would stay hidden for a good long time.

      • Dorcus says:

        Too bad, I was hoping Jacob would go off to some hidden Antarctic base made of a gene-jacked, nuke-fueled super-walrus to ask Dahnai for dancing lessons.

  3. Jordan says:

    Well that’s ominous…

  4. CMaster says:

    Guess we never found out what happened to the human Fukimaki

    • Pat Scaramuzza says:

      The original Fumiaki died in the Amazon. That was revealed in Chapter 11, if I recall correctly.

      How did he die? Eh…not important, but it was probably a plague — possibly even Guayaquil.

  5. abibiliboop says:

    Love the ending. Always nice to reflect on the concept of just because you hear something doesn’t mean you actually listen and consider it. Also, I love that its the open ended aspect of she may be good, may not, but that’s up to others to worry about. Great writing.

  6. Ro'Wan says:

    So this it then, another one of my favorite comics has come to an end……..
    I have to say Mr Scaramuzza, i’m going to greatly miss you and the world you’ve created. I sincerely hope you decide to weave another online tale to keep us coming back,week after week……………..
    Go in strength, and may your enemies be crushed by the might of your words. Selah.

  7. Unmaker says:

    Is the the last strip?

    • Pat Scaramuzza says:

      Nope, five more pages to go. Still keeping with the plan for (approximately) 24 pages per chapter.