The average person is a battlefield … a dark cellar in which a well-bred spinster and a sex-crazed monkey are engaged in mortal combat, refereed by a nervous banker.

— Luprand
Page 23

Page 23

To me, linked body piercings forming a wearable computer system just seems like one of those science fiction ideas so obvious that you wonder why nobody else has thought of it before.  Then again I’m sure someone has.  Whether they’ve hooked them up to an amoral news-hungry blogger is another question.

↓ Transcript
Roger: I'm Roger Evers, I'm just a blogger. You heard of Undercentral News?
Girii: Jacob, he's telling the truth.
Jacob: I believe him. He's covered in Misfitronics. No normal person would wear so many, and no covert agent would be so obvious.
Girii: Covered in what?
Jacob: All these body piercings -- they're computer components, linked wirelessly. He's even got a camera.
Roger: Yeah, I went for the Sinus-cam. You get more room, and who wants to lose an eye, ya know?
Jacob: Why are you here?
Roger: I'm doing a documentary. Haven't decided on a title, yet...It'll either be, "Death of a Genocide Man", or "Death of some fools that pissed off a Genocide Man."
Jacob: Bet on the second one. All right, I can still salvage this. Girii, you drive. Roger, take me to your friends right now.
Roger: They're not my friends, just some people in my film. Of course I'm going to take you to them. If I don't get some action on camera, I don't have a show.

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Discussion (7)¬

  1. Moxie Man says:

    “Whether they’ve hooked them up to an amoral news-hungry blogger is another question.”

    Well, how else is said blogger going to get people to look at his blogs and click through the ads? Do you expect him to type? Will there still be “written word” on the Internet of your future? 🙂

  2. SCAScot says:

    “Sinus Cam”? Ow.

  3. Remus Shepherd says:

    If there are no air spaces to expand and contract in your sinuses you won’t have any pain in them, right? 🙂

  4. Dave says:

    Ya know what? With that in consideration, sign me up for a sinus implant. Roger has a good point about the eye thing, too. It’s win win really.

    I’ve never heard of the “body piercing computers” idea before, but it’s a really interesting idea. Like a laptop on your face.

  5. Dave says:

    Oh, and regarding the advertising tests, I really like the “golfing with skulls” ad. I’d click that.

  6. Thor says:

    Oh wow that golfing ad is dark. Funny though. I’d click it if you weren’t already bookmarked.

  7. Remus Shepherd says:

    I made the golfing ad a while ago, when I was outlining the story. It’s a preview of the future. I tend to do that with my ads.

    But that adspace will be used to advertise *other* comics, of course. I’ll turn them on maybe a month or so from now.