The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Page 30

Page 30

If this were a regular comic book, we would only be in the middle of issue #2.  So we’re still setting our team up — although not all of them want to be a team.

↓ Transcript
Jacob: You're right. I can't reset the case.
Case: Told you.
Jacob: At least the retribution virus is gone.
Case: Yeah, it's the first command they gave me. This case is a perfect weapon of death -- seemed a shame to change anything.
Jacob: Well, there's one thing I can do. I can rease the AI subprograms.
Case: Whoa! That's me! I'm a living being! Think of the moral questions, you can't just -- Oh, wait. You can.
Jacob: It's what I do.
Case: But we could be so great together! I could be your sidekick!
Jacob: No. No sidekicks. This case and I are headed for the bottom of the ocean. Nobody else needs to come along.
Case: Wait! Don't -- beee...woooop.
Jacob: No sidekicks. I'll kill anyone who applies for the job.
Girii: I was thinking about following Jacob around for a while...
Roger: Hey -- that's a great idea!

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Ryk E. Spoor says:

    Why do I get the impression that Jacob isn’t getting an option about having a sidekick or two?

  2. frymaster says:

    that last panel is better than perfect 😀

  3. SCAScot says:

    Alas, case AI…we barely knew you…

  4. TPRJones says:

    Well, drat. There goes the character that had the most potential for exposition.

    Hopefully it’s just a temporary setback.

  5. SCAScot says:

    By the way, Jacob’s expression in panel 3 is dead-on perfect. Good job!