Stapp’s Law: The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle.

Page 39

Page 39

Jacob’s past catches up with him in all sorts of ways, doesn’t it?  But I guess one expects that if they’ve been a globe-trotting mass murderer for decades.

↓ Transcript
Captain T: It's called the Smuggler's Mail Drop. A go-between gives a package to a ship captain who might run across the person it belongs to. If we meet them we deliver it. If not, we take it back to port and it goes out again.
Jacob: Nobody steals this mail?
Captain T: We're paid not to, and only a fool would send anything expensive this way. This is about the third time I've seen this crate. I've always been happy to take it. You know, I was a fresh ensign in the blockade of India back in '71. We couldn't get close enough to shell the beaches. But you genocide men made the government surrender inside of weeks.
Jacob: The Chaulmoogra deviancy. They were very hard to kill.
Captain T: Been worried about meeting you, cause...well, there's no shame in it...all Thrasisikikokleopolous men have had an extra nipple since my great-granddaddy's time.
Jacob: (Sigh.) Genocide men don't care about natural mutations, Captain. Also, too much information.

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Discussion (3)¬

  1. Moxie Man says:

    No! Not garden gnomes!!!!

  2. The toilet paper rolls are intriguing, but the Man of Moxie nailed it. The “This End Up” pointing downward was a cute touch.

  3. Remus Shepherd says:

    Just keeping it light. Garden gnomes and Captain Threenipple should be able to help someone crack a smile. 🙂