The rules are there to make you think before you break them.

— Terry Pratchett
Page 56

Page 56

The dialogue on this page makes more sense when seen with to the next one, I think.

I like the more obscure fables.  There’s some neat stories in native american and inuit myth, with a unique flavor you don’t get in the western and oriental legends.

↓ Transcript
Girii: Jacob? I think you got them all. Roger said he shut down the base. So...are you going to come in? This reminds me of a story from my tribe...of how the god Raven fought Thunderbird for dominion of the sky. For a while, it looked like Thunderbird was going to win...until Raven used his powers of the north to freeze Thunderbird's eyes shut.

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. Dave says:

    That last panel looks amazing.

  2. Ravens grow gigantic in the Arctic…all these lemmings, I guess. They are a wonderful source of tales for the sorciers…

  3. SovietMenace says:

    Awesome drawing skill on last panel…sorry for comment copy 😉
    Waiting to see how it unfolds

  4. Compliments on the fourth panel. I love the way the images slowly develop out of the seemingly random clouds. Good impact.