Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow Author may remember us.

— Able
Page 60

Page 60

We may — or may not — be getting a raft of new visitors this week.  The current ad campaign I’m running is giving odd results.  But like the campaigns I ran during the summer, it’s more or less a test to see what’s most effective before I commit a lot of money into ads.

Anyhow, if you’re here for the first time, welcome!  The guy with the needles is our titular Genocide Man.  He’s funnier and less frightening than he might seem.  🙂

↓ Transcript
Roger: I don't even know why I came on this trip. I thought maybe I'd get a tour of Genocide Project headquarters. That ain't gonna happen.
Girii: You're here because I wanted you to be. I think it's sweet.
Roger: ...that makes sense, I guess.
Girii: Besides, we're out of danger, now. It'll be fun. I've never left Nunavut before. Now I'm headed for Africa. It's going to be so cool.
Roger: Cool? More like terrifying. I have no idea what to expect. The only thing scarier than jumping into the unknown is -- JACOB WITH A NEEDLE! YAAAAH!

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Discussion (8)¬

  1. Thomas S says:

    In fact, Jacob is a negative hero with the best skin and eyesight for a person over 90 than I have ever ever seen.

  2. bbo says:

    what do you expect, he’s gene boosted beyond anything you’ve seen so far short of an imperial space marine.

  3. Moxie Man says:

    No, he’s even scarier than that! He’s got *TWO* needles. :O

  4. Jazz Master says:

    This webcomic is sick!

  5. Kez says:

    I really can’t get over how much Jacob looks like my biochem professor from undergrad. All he needs is perpetually visible throbbing vein on his forehead and I’d have nightmares.

  6. Doug says:

    The ad campaign got me here, even if its a test, and I love it.

  7. Jared says:

    I’m here because I’ve been checking indefensible positions every six months or so to see if you’d started this yet. Am so very very happy 🙂

  8. Remus Shepherd says:

    Welcome, Jared! And everyone else!

    I’d put up a notice over on Indefensible Positions, but I forgot my login over there. I’ll ask for admin help one of these days and get it done.