Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we still are just able to endure, and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us. Every angel is terrifying.

— Rainer Maria Rilke
Page 83

Page 83

Before you ask, the text on the autoinjector reads, in both English and Chinese, ‘Atropine / Pralidoxime Autoinjector — Use only as directed’. Yes, that’s the only antidote I know of for the G-series of nerve agents, and yes allowing you to breathe is about the best they can do for you.

↓ Transcript
Caera: I'll leave Jacob Doe on your doorstep, Wenyan -- tied up with a bow, if I have the time.
Wenyan: No, wait! Just hold on! You -- were you issued an autoinjector? Give it to me. Caera, if you must go out there, take this. If his weapon hits you, you have about two seconds to use it. Press this end just below your rib cage.
Caera: Excellent. This will make me immune to his nerve toxin?
Wenyan: What? No! This will unparalyze your diaphragm, so that you can breathe until the paramedics arrive.
Caera: This man is extremely dangerous.
Wenyan: That's what I have been trying to tell you!

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Discussion (17)¬

  1. Guist says:

    Gonna have to be quicker than that if you want to catch Jacob 🙂

  2. Skur says:

    Wait, what? You’re talking about all this as if it was real.
    ARE there theses poisons?

  3. мaгтэи says:
    […] used to combat poisoning by […] (nerve agents), in conjunction with atropine […]

  4. Thomas says:

    Her expression on the no text panel is just priceless.

    Also: Great indirect demonstration of Mr. Does power.

  5. Sprayed Dibrom in north Florida against dog flies and mosquitoes, this organo-phosphate is the nerve agent that Saddam used on Kurds…we used an ounce an acre, Hussein used a gallon plus. Nerve agents disconnect nerve ends. It smell like a human cadaver, we where told one drop on your wrist is instant cancer…one single engine spray plane had an engine failure and overturned on landing in a plowed field…some of the agent got splashed on the pilot…he was dead in ten minutes!
    Our mechanic had to wear a pressurized space suit to handle the stuff. Not a joking matter, but the thing is necessary since the leftist politically correct activists had inoffensive DDT banned to fill the tort lawyers’ pockets. Thanks to the DDT ban, whole regions of Africa are abandoned due to the Tse-Tse fly plague. And they cant afford the organo-phosphates anyway.

  6. Remus Shepherd says:

    Skur, the G-series organophosphate neurotoxins are real. Sarin (GB) is the most well-known. It’s 500 times more toxic than cyanide; a droplet the size of a pinhead will incapacitate you if it lands on your skin. Two drops and you’re likely dead.

    There was a quick mention in chapter two that Jacob uses the neurotoxin ‘Sarin-M’ (the ‘M’ stands for Munitions), or GM. The GM neurotoxin has a longer shelf life and is formulated for use in needle weapons. In contrast, GB is delivered over a broad area as an aerosol spray. (They designed GM to limit collateral damage. Isn’t that nice?) Other than that they are the same stuff.

    We are not *that* far in the future, and most of the advancement of the 21st century was in genetics. The neurotoxin effects in the story are not speculative. They’re real.

  7. In WW II they had a massive supply of needle “bombs”…i.e. sewing machine needles with a sarin drop in the eyelet…dropped from two miles up, they could penetrate six inches of flesh. However, they where not used as taking shelter from them was too easy.(not enough inertia)
    Today, though, using a spent uranium large needle embedded in a frangible sabot like the “flechettes” the tank’s cannons are shooting on a larger scale, you’d get the same penetration as a high powered hunting rifle, as Jacob has demonstrated a couple of times…the flechette’s impact is so great that a tank’s occupants are killed even without penetration.

  8. Skur says:

    Bloody hell. I know I asked, but I think I’d lived a quieter life without knowing about the possibility of machine guns shooting tiny instant-death-needles.

  9. DaveP. says:

    (nobody tell Skur about Biopreperat…)

  10. If it make you feel better, Shoko Asahara and gang are sitting on death row in Japan for the Sarin gaz attack in Tokyo metro…wishing them all a lot of internal struggles before the peace of the grave…

  11. Remus Shepherd says:

    Well, Biopreparat was basically the 1970s version of the Genocide Project. If you’re not prepared for that then you really haven’t been paying attention. 🙂

    As for the Aum Shinryko cult, they released a crap version of liquid sarin in the Tokyo subway. Killed 13 and injured a few hundred, but if they had aerosolized it they could have wiped out a huge number of people.

  12. DaveP. says:

    If memory serves AUM DID in fact try to aerosolize and distribute bio… there was a a van-based distribution attempt for botulism toxin and a aerosolizer built into a building air conditioner for anthrax. Fortunately they didn’t get it quite right. I think the Sarin was a “You guys can’t screw THIS up…” project.

  13. Dave says:

    Dialogue on this page made me chuckle for about three minutes. XD

  14. Jared says:

    I’m not going to say anything snarky because I figure you’ve already got a work around for this, but I had a brief giggle at the idea of one of those militiamen breaking off the Atropine needle on his bullet proof vest 🙂

    This conversation reminds me of one from Jurrasic park II

    Is there a antidote?
    What, for if you shoot yourself in the foot or something? Don’t do that.

  15. Remus Shepherd says:

    That’s a really good point, Jared! It’s not necessary to inject straight into the diaphragm — the thigh should work also — but I should not have made a point about where it should be used. I think you win a No-Prize!

  16. Shade says:

    Anyone else picture her with vulcan ears there?

  17. Yes, a needle proof suit would give a mobility inversely proportional to its protection, like King Robert the Bruce in his night shift killing the fully armored Knight Sire Henry de Bohun with his battle axe at Bannockburn. Jacob in this case would need to use just an ordinary ice pick, one suppose…simple things work best usually!
    (It is said King Robert deliberately set to lure Sire Henry to his death…)So perhaps Jacob will use fancy footwork instead of the expected nerve gas attack…