The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.

— Alfred North Whitehead
Page 90

Page 90

Someone mentioned a couple weeks ago that the emotional feedback might affect Girii? That was a good call. Of course, it’s affecting everyone else, too. Even Jacob seems to be getting cranky…

↓ Transcript
Girii: Are there people in those airplanes?
Jacob: Well, at least one of them was a passenger jet.
Girii: Are there people in these buildings?
Jacob: Well, it is a city.
Msaka: This is madness. Why are they still coming down? What have you done to my city!?
Jacob: Lady, this one is not my fault.
Roger: Plane! Plane!

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Discussion (8)¬

  1. Jago of the 7 knives says:

    Boy, Roger’s calling out the words “Plane! Plane!”, kinda reminded me of Tattoo in Fantasy Island…Love that show.

  2. DaveP. says:

    Love Jacob’s lack of patience with pointless questions.

  3. kaze says:

    The astral feed back from events like these is horrendous. I was puking sick for weeks after Katrina, and I lived in WI at the time. distance doesn’t mean much if you are emotionality close to the event.

  4. Konrad says:

    @Jago: That was my first thought too. In fact, the alt text should be “De plane! De plane!”.

  5. Things happen so fast in a plane crash there is no time for terror, except for the crew, of course, who see it all coming.And it is so violent that again, there is no time for pain.For instance, at the Arrow Air crash in Gander, all the decapitated bodies(by the impact)had all their lungs already filled before impact with the highly toxic fumes of the detonated explosives stored in the belly of the plane(250 US servicemen.And the whole thing lasted five seconds.
    So there, our empath is feeling the crew’s terror…passengers have no idea…

  6. Remus Shepherd says:

    Thought about that, Konrad, but I decided it was just too corny. 🙂

  7. SCAScot says:

    In honor of the A.I’s rendition of “Hallelujah”, the alt-text should be:

    “Planes just keep droppin’ on my head…”

  8. Remus Shepherd says:
