The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.

— Alfred North Whitehead
Page 100

Page 100

The 100th page! I didn’t plan anything special for it, unfortunately — I’ve had too many things going on in the past few months. But I may cook something up for the two-year anniversary.

Meanwhile, it’s exeunt Msaka, with one more page left in the chapter. There have been a lot of questions posed so far, especially in this chapter. The next one is when we answers start showing up. I’m excited about it.

↓ Transcript
Roger: Jacob, how did she --
Jacob: She didn't. She can't.
Roger: But look at the --
Jacob: Keep moving, Roger.
Msaka: I'm not coming with you. I am the daughter of the first beasts. I thought that made me the most dangerous creature in the world. But I am not even the most dangerous person on this street...possibly not even the second-most. No, being a leader is my true strength. I must stay and help Dakar through its civil war. You must go. Find your true strength. And take as much evil with you as you can.

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. Thomas S says:

    This is now one of my most favourite webcomics on the internet – the ideas and their realisation are so well done. Good work and good writing are such a pleasure to see. thanks for the 100 pager and I look forward to your story continually unfolding.

    and dont you *dare* cut to an ‘… and when I woke I realised it was all a dream’ page.

    (which is one of the worst writing conclusions of all time)

  2. DaveP. says:

    I didn’t think Mkasa would leave. It’s HER town, after all… and she’s got some scores to settle.

  3. Moxie Man says:

    @ Thomas: Remus will be better to us than to cut it off with a “It was all the dream” ending.

    However, I’ve read one book that I thought had an even worse ending then that: It switched character narration, claimed it was reading someone’s diary about their adventure/travel and the diary ceased abruptly.

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    No dream endings here. (I actually think I’m better at endings than I am at beginnings. 🙂 )

    But now that Moxie’s mentioned it, that book Roger picked up *is* a diary. You’ll hear more on that in the next chapter…