Note: I’ve added your name to my little black book. When it’s released upon my death, you can expect to be indicted on—[flip flip flip]—16 counts of…well, that’s our little secret, isn’t it?

— Bill in Portland Maine
Chapter 6, Page 5

Chapter 6, Page 5

So why did Tatsu Fumiaki go underground, and how did he become the Genocide Project’s number one most wanted man? Hmmn.

↓ Transcript
Journal: January 8, 2056 -- We've re-built the lab in the basement of my home, and we're hiding Dahnai there. She has the growth profile of a large dog, but learns incredibly fast and hardly ever sleeps. A television is her only company most nights. She watches voraciously.

January 20, 2056 -- Lynn is resigning as my research assistant, because of what she's found in her study of Dahnai...

Lynn: Tatsu, I can't do this.
Tatsu: Lynn, I know she's a handful, but the research...
Lynn: No, I can handle a little girl. It's the research I can't do. This is beyond me! Look at this --
Dahnai: The floor is acid! It's acid! Don' touch it!
Tatsu: Hmn. A skin cell?
Lynn: A liver cell.
Tatsu: Liver cell? Where are the mitochondria?
Dahnai: Acid floor ain't gonna stop me!
Lynn: She doesn't have any mitochondria. Not anywhere in her body. Instead, there appear to be ATP-producing sites in the Golgi apparatus. The A.I. used a canine template because of the phenotype's plasticity...but she is not a canine-human hybrid. This is a new lifeform designed from the ground up. I can't do this. We can't do this, not in this lab. Call a Nobel prizewinner, like Lola Lamb. She'd probably kill to study Dahnai.
Dahna: Tatsu! Tatsu, Tatsu, the floor is acid! What you standin' on? Where you gonna go?

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Discussion (3)¬

  1. Ah, “the floor is acid”. It’s the interior version of “the pavement is lava”!

  2. Skur says:

    In tha Golgi apparatus? Gosh darn it, Shephard, ya’re one crazy son-of-a-gun.

  3. Gaijin says:

    At least we know that Dahnai would be safe in the case of a mitochondrial Eve event. Maybe that AI read too many late 20th century Japanese SF novels?