Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.

— John Adams
Chapter 6, Page 12

Chapter 6, Page 12

One more page — and two more jokes — before we switch plot threads. It’s a busy chapter…

↓ Transcript
Jacob: I wasn't just a grunt in the Genocide Project. I was one of the founding members. I know it went wrong but it didn't go this wrong. I'd remember this.
Roger: Didn't you say you had holes in your memory?
Jacob: I'd remember this. I think Fumiaki did it somehow. Remember what his A.I. said? 'A secret gene that Adam had'? It knew. Fumiaki knows. He's taunting me. We already know that Fumiaki is more advanced than us. Girii's strength, for example: She has no known gene markers for musculature. Fumiaki's making up his own, new genetics. Can you imagine what he might do with that kind of power?
Roger: Yes.
Jacob: Why do you keep looking at that book?
Roger: No reason! Uh...I wanted to ask you about Girii, actually...

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Discussion (3)¬

  1. Skur says:

    I am confused about two things:

    1. Why do the Dr. and the Jacob both know this tune, why does it mock him, was that mentioned already?

    2. You worked as a developer for BIOWEAPONS?!

  2. Remus Shepherd says:

    The tune isn’t important, the message is. ‘A secret gene that Adam had’ — Adam, as in Adam and Eve, the mythical original human beings. I guess I made that too subtle…

    I worked in WMD detection, which included monitoring of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. It was 15 years ago but I remember a few things.

  3. kaze says:

    I think that song was using “clean” in the old hebrew meaning of the word. When you look at the older less edited and less hyper=translated versions of the old testament especially genesis, you’re looking at clear family history with Adam through to Noah. in fact the whole reason for the flood is genetic. Noah is described as “pure in his generations”