The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Chapter 8, Page 9

Chapter 8, Page 9

There’s the shocked expression some of you were expecting Jacob to have. Just took a few seconds to sink in.

How about a poll. I don’t see any need to make Genocide Man merchandise, but maybe there’s a demand for it. Would you like some merch, and if so what kind? I found a neat Hawaiian shirt provider…

[yop_poll id=”6″]

↓ Transcript
Joey: Peter was wrong, too. The Guayaquil pandemic killed almost a billion people. They're on your scorecard, mate. It'll take me a century to match that body count. Gotta start by ending your spree.

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Discussion (9)¬

  1. A.a.a.aaaand, it’s on!

    Interesting that Joey actually has a reason he thinks Jacob must be brought down. I thought it was merely a facet of his twisted, evil brain. At any rate, it’s a surprise to me that he bothers to justify his rationale in killing Jacob, while he kills everyone else just for the fun of it.

  2. Darls Chickens says:

    The armpit hair strikes back!

    Just visited CafePress for inspiration…
    a promotional poster with the time line,
    golf balls stamped like little skulls,
    gym bags printed like genocide cases,
    SinusCam stickers,
    Undernet earrings,
    third nipple temporary tattoos,
    “No genetic augments” muscle shirt,
    all bearing the web address, of course.
    Couldn’t find custom gene-sampling gloves. That would’ve been perfect. Not that I’d be a buyer, lean budget and all. Just brainstorming promotional whatzits.

  3. Skur says:

    Sittin’ in desert-like heat, I vastly enjoy the idea of a Hawaii Shirt.
    However, my interest in any form of merchandise is very much inversely proportional to the amount of hassle I would have to go through in order to get it to Europe/make a transcontinental payment.

  4. Nynaeve says:

    I think a nice hawaiian shirt design, or maybe a T-shirt with the logo on the back or a pocket T with the logo on the pocket…All of the ideas are good. Hell, GM Stationary even. 🙂

  5. RedDwarfIV says:

    I like the sound of the mug. It would probably go pretty well with the mug I already have which has the logo of a genetic manipulation research organisation from my own webcomic called Armathas Research. Both AR and the GP could be considered bad guys or good guys depending on your perspective.

    When done well, these mugs can really look like something you might find on a desk in-universe. Want to pretend for a few minutes that you work at the Genocide Project, saving humanity by killing off the mutations? Sit in front of that computer you have with a Genocide Man desktop and sip coffee/tea/hot milk/other with your Genocide Man mug.

  6. Z00l00k says:

    A cabin bag similar to the one Jacob has with all his “kill features” would be a “killer” merchandise.

    Unfortunately it might be a bit expensive, so mugs and stickers would be fine.

  7. NJB says:

    I have to admit, that providing it’d be dishwasher safe, I’d love to buy the mug. That said, a lot of these companies have pretty poor printing and your lovely mug often starts to flake back and leave a plain base again.

  8. weatherheight says:

    Lower End Merch
    Coffee Mugs
    Shot Glasses
    A high Quality Polo Shirt with a tastefully small logo
    And for the higher end –
    Computer Totes (I get lots of compliments for my NERV totes).

  9. NACP says:

    If I get a mug, everymorning I use it I’ll have to say “Hope the coffee is poisoned… otherwise I’ll have to wake up/go to work” or something… of course, if it already came with the mug I’ll have to be more creative…