The tired agnostic longs for prayer
More than the blest can ever do.

— E. St. V. Millay
Chapter 8, Page 15

Chapter 8, Page 15

Let’s have a poll!  I have a new artist starting with next chapter — I’ll make that grand announcement another day.  He’s offered to do cover pages for each chapter.  How do you feel about a cool, full-page picture in front of each chapter?  They will take up a day’s update, but we’ll probably be updating twice a week.  What do you say?


[yop_poll id=”7″]

↓ Transcript
Joey: You did a number on me...can't feel my left side. The right...hurts like hell. I'm still gonna kill you. Because you know you deserve it. You know that I'm better. But you tried your best...good on ya...
Jacob: Not that I don't trust you, old man --

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Discussion (16)¬

  1. vonBoomslang says:

    I don’t have any particularly strong feeling either way, but I’ll admit, I like the way you’ve so far worked in the chapter header into the first page. Look at Three Journeys for example.

  2. Sonja says:

    Whom does he not trust? Joey that he’s dead? Joey that he will kill him? Himself? Hm.

  3. Jago of the 7 Knives says:

    Man Joey is like Rasputin! If I were Jacob and had the time, I’ll did a grave, shove Joey in it but instead of burying him with soil, I’ll fill the grave with kindling and set it on fire. After all the kindling have burned out, I’ll then put in the soil and plant a tree seedling. In thirty years, a good size tree will grow on the spot. Hopefully it won’t be some sort of mutated haunted tree bent on killing everyone or thing that rest or stray under it’s foliage!

  4. Moxie Man says:

    So drown rather than add him to the town pyre. Bad choice, Jacob. Bad choice.

  5. Yotz says:

    I guess “water” in this river is toxic enough to kill even genocide men.

    The main question, through – is Joey shitty enough to float in this… liquid?

  6. Keith the verbose(and more than slightly annoying) says:

    1) artists choice about chapter cover. I’m easy either way

    2) with a lad like Joey, first you dismember, then burn, run the ashes through an industrial blender until the bones are powder, mix ashes with paint and use it on a Dragon 9 rocket. Sit back, enjoy the launch.

  7. tgs says:

    I hope the new artist is just like u, sure don’t want a rob liefield artist.

  8. Ming the Merciless says:

    ” Hopefully it won’t be some sort of mutated haunted tree bent on killing everyone”
    That’s what all trees do their whole life, kill every other plant under their shadow…ever seen anything grow under a fir tree?

  9. DaveP. says:

    Ming- don’t forget walnut trees, which dispense their own herbicide.

  10. John says:

    I’ve always disliked the whole ‘not that I don’t trust you…’ bit, when in fact that is exactly the case.

    As far gone as Joey is, it might be a small mercy just to cut the guy’s head off and be done with it.

  11. Crowe says:

    Tell me how is he supposed to decapitate Joey without any industrial concrete saw handy considering his indestructible bones that make up his spinal column?

  12. Ming the Merciless says:

    Well, there was that can still make holes in the heart that render it useless…then the lack of oxygen will destroy the brain…but I trust Jake to find a creative way to do “it”…

  13. Dave says:

    I am not personally a fna of splash covers as updates, but sharing the splash cover along with page 1 would be great. If I had to choose though, I’d rather have a comic page on the update day than a splash image.

  14. Mr. Ookami says:

    Sorry Dave but I want to point out that you failed to spell fan correctly. That or you were going for a different word and it is actually spelled correctly. I was just geussing that you were going to spell fan.

    Heil grammer! Props to you if you get that.

  15. AceOfSpade says:

    Dear Mr. Ookami

    Please hand over your badge. In this case it’s spelling not grammar. Wich you’ve also spelled wrong (except if you were talking about Grammer AG the deutsch automobile equipment manufacturer) along with “guessing”.

    Of course it is possible that your mistakes were mere typo, like the one you pointed out. These sort of things happens to the best of us.

    Have a good day Mr. Ookami

  16. AceOfSpade says:

    PS: I was trying to be funny, no hard feelings right?