The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.

— H. P. Lovecraft
Chapter 8, Page 16

Chapter 8, Page 16

Well, this chapter looks like it’s winding down, so it’s time for a big announcement:  The new artist for Genocide Man, starting with Chapter 9, will be Michael Yakutis!

Michael is a force in the webcomics world.  He’s the co-founder of the community site Webcomic Underdogs.  He’s the illustrator of several webcomics, including Praesidium (which he also writes), My Girlfriend’s Dog, and And To Be Loved.  He’s already gotten the first pages to me and they look fantastic.  I am really excited about what’s coming up.

But we’re not quite done here.  Another…(counts)…eight pages left in this chapter, I think.  Got some stingers to put on the end of this chapter that are going to knock your socks off and make you just as excited for what our hero is about to face next!

↓ Transcript
Roger: Yeah, I have a camera on him I should be able to track...he's over this way. Hey, Jacob!
Girii: Jacob! Dahnai took the genocide case. They went deeper into the jungle, and -- uh, is that...?
Jacob: It's Joey. I pumped so many darts into him, his flesh became toxic. The first crocs bit him and were paralyzed, then more kept coming. There was nothing I could do.
Girii: So you sat there and watched them die one by one?
Jacob: (sigh) It's a skill.

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Discussion (15)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    “It’s a skill.” 😀 Made my day!

  2. Jago of the 7 Knives says:

    Joey should consider a career as one of the gator hunters in SWAMP PEOPLE. No need for him to carry a gun or bait, cause he is the gun and bait all in one.

  3. LT says:

    now you can move on to villains with slightly better underarm hair management

  4. ML says:

    Not convinced we’ve seen the last of Joey. All we know for sure is that the crocs are dead, and Joey got bit a lot…which he could survive.

  5. Moxie Man says:

    So drag the poisoned crocs and what is left of Joey over to the pyre and toss them on just to make sure.

  6. vonBoomslang says:

    Oh oh oh those poor crocs.

  7. Ming the Merciless says:

    Meh…before dying, after the bite, crocs twist like Chubby Checker, ripping the member off, that’s what the mess is from…

  8. Flowraider says:

    Ming the merciless indeed (dude, you cold, man). Awesome new page, Mr. Remus Shepard. The pile of dead or dying crocs looks kinda comical/cartoonish, a nice, macabre touch. I really love this comic because it’s very strong emotionally, as this page shows again in the last panel. Can’t wait for next week!

  9. Thanks for the shout out, Remus! I am super excited and honored to be working on Genocide Man. So far I’m having a blast!

  10. Darkrider says:

    Lol the two crocs in the bottom left corner have a “Dude…im soooo wasted” look on their faces while the rest just look passed out after a party lol

  11. Ming the Merciless says:

    ” because it’s very strong emotionally,”
    You open one of these large history books at random,
    it seem one or two genocides is performed on each page of them…now imagine you are the last one of your nation, about to die of misery and exposure, it is certain that you will be strongly emotional! The only way to predict the future is looking at the past…and it is not pretty.

  12. The Sidhekin says:


    *looks closer*

    Yeah, they kinda look like true crocodiles. As did last week’s, now that I look closer.

    I would have expected caimans, which (if I’m not misinformed) are the only crocodilians in the Amazon today. But hey, I was not expecting the slo-cows either … perhaps there’s a story behind these “crocs” too? 😉

  13. DaveP. says:

    “So you sat there and watched them die?”

    …and just what the hell was he supposed to do? Stand in the water, waving his arms and shouting, “Turn back, crocs! The carrion is poisoned!”?

  14. Mark Linimon says:

    Yikes! Suddenly I’m caught up. Now what to do?

  15. Remus Shepherd says:

    Sidhekin, I think you caught me in a real flub. You win a No-Prize! Let’s just say the Brazilian government re-introduced crocs as part of their plan to rehabilitate the ecosystem. 🙂