Don’t believe them, don’t fear them, don’t ask anything of them.

— Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Chapter 9, Page 24

Chapter 9, Page 24

Let’s be honest.  If you asked someone who didn’t trust you to jump into a whale’s mouth, would they do it?  Of course not.  It’s much easier to trick them into a bathysphere, launch it into the water with some exploding horses, and have the whale pick them up there.

From a certain point of view it makes perfect sense.  Doesn’t it?  🙂

I’ll have something up on Monday you might enjoy.  Some…thing.  Yes.

↓ Transcript
Radio: You're in no danger...for I've got you now.

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Discussion (13)¬

  1. Siirenias says:

    He really is a bit obsessed with that whale, isn’t he?

  2. Moxie Man says:

    Well, as long as we don’t have to deal with an exploding whale anytime soon.

  3. Tom says:

    “many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view”

  4. Moxie Man: And then the whale explodes, launching the ball onto a surprised cow, which then explodes…

  5. NH says:

    Thing – makes me go into the Addams Family mode…

  6. The Sidhekin says:


    Yes, it makes sense.

    They were not launched far, so it makes sense they survive the G-forces.

    The horse should already have suggested Fumiaki, but I missed it. I don’t recall any foreshadowing of contact between Zoey and Fumiaki (though I may have missed it, of course), but this “moving up in the world” of Zoey’s may have started during offline time, and if so, it makes sense not to have any foreshadowing: It’s out of the blue to the leading trio as well.

    It even makes sense to have the whale there, as the Atlantic is just a short swim away.

    And it even makes sense that he’s got resources there, and prepared: If anyone can track them, it’s Fumiaki. Probably got pigeons homed on Girii …

    It makes sense, dammit.

  7. Matt40000 says:

    I wonder if Zoey’s extraction team is going to turn up and wonder where they are?

  8. ML says:

    The sphere was necessary, with out it they would likely drown in the whale’s stomach, or worse with the acid there.

  9. NJB says:

    Sorry but it has to be said:
    They’re in for a whale of a time.

  10. Remus Shepherd says:

    Oh, no, please don’t start the whale puns. There are so many coming up in the script that anything you write will appear again in the comic, and it’ll look like I’m copying you when I actually wrote it months ago. 🙂 Let’s just leave the whale puns alone for now…

  11. Darls Chickens says:

    Good luck with that. We’ve been awaiting this whale pun window ever since Caera did the fish-slapping dance.

  12. Ming the Merciless says:

    Fumiaki other name is “Deus ex Machina”…

  13. --jt-- says:

    No puns? Awwww… Maybe we could get a filker over here from the Skin Horse comment pages.