Face stabbings aren’t awesome, just necessary. The silence that comes afterwards? Now that’s awesome.

— CompletelySerious
Chapter 12, Page 10

Chapter 12, Page 10

Lola knows Jacob is a good soldier, but she’s underestimated how unpredictable he can be — which is an essential skill for a soldier, or at least an American one.  As they say, you can read the US Army field manual, but that won’t help you in a fight against them because the US Army never follows it themselves.  🙂

Anyway, that’s enough time spent in Britain for now.   Next week we’re back on Corvo Island.  The boys are away, and the girls may get to play…


↓ Transcript
Lola: We need to humiliate Jacob. Show the entire world that he's a menace.
Aide: Uh, ma'am, there were no casualties.
Lola: ...say that again.
Aide: Nobody died. Several concussions...a broken arm and jaw. But no one died, ma'am.
Lola: Damnit, Jacob...you make it so difficult for me when you take the high road.

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. The Sidhekin says:

    Hold it! There’s one casualty, surely – Fumiaki!

    Go on, Lola! There’s your headline!

  2. Darls Chickens says:

    Hard to believe Lola would let a silly little thing like the truth stand in the way of a good story, as in “one last plague and we can all retire.” Heck, blame him for stopping the anthrobot too late.

    ‘Sides, he blew up the soldiers in Brazil, and the horsies,.. the poor, poor horsies.

  3. SpectralTime says:

    Eh, she’ll be fine. She’s got a Nobel Prize in lying.

    I admit, the mention of “Jacob’s Victims” had me uncomfortable for a few days. But this page was a nice softener.

    And now, a long-delayed joke that I should have made topical: Jacob has got to be one *lousy* kisser if the mere *memory* of Bali has her instantly go from talking peaceably and semi-rationally to Jacob to summoning swarms of minions to murder him.

  4. Unmaker says:

    Eh, she’ll just kill people and blame it on Jacob.