Reality’s twisted around this thing like spaghetti round a fork.

— Quantum Toast
Chapter 13, Page 7

Chapter 13, Page 7

I uploaded this one on my phone, folks.  My phone!  My home internet was down most of last evening.  But the comic got out.  Llama ham for everyone.  🙂


↓ Transcript
Roger: Well...if you're not retired yet... Girii gave me this for safekeeping. She didn't want to touch it. Neither do I. You should take it back.
Jacob: I thought you were smuggling a sandwich.
Roger: Got that too. Do you like llama ham?
Jacob: Maybe later. First, call your editor...

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. I don’t understand. Your phone? Did you use an acoustic coupler? 😉

  2. Remus Shepherd says:

    I hooked my cell phone to my computer via USB and transferred the image. Then I used the 4G connection to log into the site and upload the page. It’s nice living in the future when the future works correctly…

  3. Darls Chickens says:

    I bet somewhere there’s a webcomic that uploads every page by phone.

    Even a bioengineered sandwich in a refrigerated pocket won’t stay fresh very long.

    (Genocide central nuked an island, a mad bio-bot eradicated a city population, and Roger hasn’t reported in yet?)

  4. Timeheart says:

    Thank goodness for smart devices. They still work like a charm when the net’s down. Though they still do ridiculous things like limiting data at times.

  5. Nynaeve says:

    Here a llama there a llama everywhere a llama, llama.
    llama llama, llama llama
    llama llama HAM.