The young have aspirations that never come to pass, the old have reminiscences of what never happened. It’s only the middle-aged who are really conscious of their limitations — that is why one should be so patient with them.

— Saki
Chapter 13, Page 12

Chapter 13, Page 12

Welcome back, everyone!  Hope you had happy holidays and a great new year.  I am not actually back home yet, but I’ll be checking in from the road.

We’re flashing over to Lola and the Genocide Project briefly, but it’s more of an intertwined narrative as you’ll see on the next page.  There’s certainly a lot for the Project to worry about.  Kevin is in charge, of course, but Lola…well, Doctor Lola Lamb more or less invented the 21st century, so everyone turns to her in a crisis.  If anyone can fix all these messes, I’m sure the old lady can.

↓ Transcript
Analyst 1: Miss Lamb? The Indian government says they've captured Jacob Doe. They claim the Genocide Project is mis-managed...and his public trial will prove it.
Lola: Damn it.
Analyst 2: Miss Lamb, HUMINT in Senegal has sighted Pakawa. She has a new army of deviant soldiers.
Caera: What?
Lola: Grr.
Analyst 3: Miss Lamb --
Lola: Why are you all bringing this to me? Kevin is in charge!
Analyst 3: Um...because of Humphrey, ma'am.
Analyst 1: The director killed him. With his bare hands.
Caera: Kevin killed one of our own analysts?
Analyst 1: He said never to bring him bad news before he's had his tea.

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Discussion (9)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    Great to have you back and happy new year!

    Kevin should visit a seminar or two about personnel management.

    Also, little typo: It should be “… one of our own…” (in the moment it is “… our of our own…”).

  2. ExpatDan says:

    Good catch on the typo, Son’, I just glossed over it. Hi, Remus! I caught up on GM during your downtime window and have been eagerly awaiting dis. Many thanks for providing this awesomeness. Also, Happy New Year :3

  3. Dave says:

    Happy New Year! I’d like to give Kevin a present, if I may. Apparently he needs to peruse the Evil Overlord’s Handbook, specifically the Dos/Don’ts.

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    Thanks, Sonja! I won’t be able to fix any thing until later this week when I get home, so hopefully nothing else is wonky.

  5. SpectralTime says:

    Oh, Kevin. When will you stop being such a complete and utter supervillain?

  6. God of Cows says:


  7. Rahka says:

    Yess, turn against Kevin you lot. Do iiit.

  8. Jerden says:

    Bad news is better than no news.
    Which is what you end up getting if you kill your own staff.
    Anyway, what was that about the Genocide Project being mismanaged? Complete lies, I assure you.

  9. Unmaker says:

    Now the interesting question is whether Lola has a safety in place that would allow her to override or control Kevin, at least for a short while. Otherwise she might become another casualty. At least, that might happen if she gives a rat’s ass any longer and decides to try to reign him in.

    And to add to the existing tensions, as we’ve seen from the chapter cover, India’s government is begging for a genocide by generating combat-oriented mutants. I wonder how many other governments are secretly doing the same thing.