Note: I’ve added your name to my little black book. When it’s released upon my death, you can expect to be indicted on—[flip flip flip]—16 counts of…well, that’s our little secret, isn’t it?

— Bill in Portland Maine
Chapter 13, Page 16

Chapter 13, Page 16

If you haven’t read the timeline and don’t recall the Chaulmoogra deviancy, or the Genocide Project’s takeover of the country, don’t worry about it.  You don’t need to know much of that history, and what you do need you’ll get a refresher on.  Yes, I’m hinting at an eventual flashback sequence with Joey and Peter.  🙂  For now, just enjoy the setup — we meet the Brahmin next page.

↓ Transcript
Roger: Why are they putting Jacob on trial?
Jacob: For my work in 2071, probably.
Zoey: Three genocide men tore their army apart. Governments remember things like that.
Jacob: They shouldn't have made the Chaulmoogra.
Zoey: Their new supersoldiers are called the Brahmin. Their base is in Puh, just miles from the Chinese border.
Roger: 'Poo'? The town's name is 'Poo'?
Zoey: Pronounce it 'Puh' or you'll insult them.
Roger: How insulted can they get? They live in Poo.
Jacob: Great. I love touring the hellholes of the Earth.
Roger: Jacob, isn't 'hell' anywhere we are?

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  1. Jerden says:

    Governments are always so picky about the destruction of their super soldiers, in my personal experience.