Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

— Euripides
Chapter 13, Page 21

Chapter 13, Page 21

Now that I see this page finished, I realize that I should have given Michael more action scenes to draw.  He’s great at them.

↓ Transcript
Abhik: The Brahmin aren't immune to taser weapons, are they?
Aide: Uh...we'll get to work on that, sir.

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Discussion (7)¬

  1. DanielLC says:

    Is Jacob Doe still in favor of this guy? Is he going to win the fight, then surrender, and offer to fight again after the Brahmin are upgraded?

  2. Jay says:

    …those poor Brahmin.

    I’m reminded of Taura from the Vorkosigan novels – a grab bag of “super soldier” genetics by people who had no idea if they wanted soldiers, warriors, or monsters. Ahbik seems a man of similarly impractical priorities…

  3. Elihias says:

    Well I dunno… for super-soldiers they seem remarkably… slow. Granted our boys been made ‘new and improved’ too, but he’s still making ’em look wooden, you know? Back to the gene tanks, methinks.


  4. foxtrack says:

    looks like a slow tuesday workout for Jacob here against these guys.

  5. Unmaker says:

    Welcome to the difference between training and experience.

  6. Madorakas says:

    I love the look of frustration on the Brahmins faces… wait.
    Brah min? Brah the underwear and “min” the swedich word for mine (thats mine brah.
    LOL, was that intentional?

  7. Remus Shepherd says:

    Brahmin is a Hindu word. It means ‘priest’, although that’s a simplification.