Because our troops might kill your civilians, in several million individual unrelated failures of discipline, maybe it would be a good idea for you to give us what we want.

— Geoffrey Brent
Chapter 14, Page 1

Chapter 14, Page 1

All right, let’s start Chapter 14 with a little peek at what the Genocide Project is doing.  Or at least what Lola is doing.  Always a mystery, that one…

↓ Transcript
Caera: Intel says they know where Jacob Doe is being held. It's on the Chinese border.
Lola: Hmn.
Caera: We also have word that Pakawa is back in Senegal. But she's laying low. I should go check out one of these, shouldn't I?
Lola: No. Just hold on. I'm on my way to speak to Kevin.
Caera: Good, then I can ask him.
Lola: Sorry, no. This is a private meeting. You're not invited.

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Discussion (9)¬

  1. Sans-sanity says:

    I remember a happy meal toy where you got an X-man in a little buggy that looked just like what Lola is riding around in (this was well before the modern movies). I do not think Lola would get along with the X-men.

  2. I wonder why she has a mobility rig and the doctors haven’t just repaired her. I feel like that’s a significant bit of backstory we’ll find out at some point…)

  3. Barzha says:

    they did mention the bone hardening treatment the genocide men have she developed but cant be used on her and her bones have gone very very brittle so she would probally break something by walking
    side note, isnt kevin dead and partially injgested by toxic alligators? do they have something that revives damaged brains there too?

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    Yes, Lola tried the ceramicization process on herself but because of osteoporosis it went badly.

    Joey is dead. Kevin is currently in charge.

  5. Ming the Merciless says:

    Ah! The wonder of books and hard copy, you can almost instantly and easily check back previous chapters…

  6. chukg says:

    The chair doing stairs is cool.

  7. Matt40000 says:

    Lola must have a sweet garage of mobility chairs.
    They look damn cool.

    And I bet Caera won’t be happy about being told “no”.
    And given her history and the fact that she’s probably the deadliest person in the building (face-to-face at least) then there may be issues

  8. Matt40000’s comment has me thinking. We haven’t seen Kevin in a real fight, have we? What’s his threat level in combat compared to the other Genocide Men?

  9. chukg says:

    I used to read Indefensible Positions as it was updating but at some point it just wouldn’t load for me — tried a couple of browsers and played with the settings for a day or two, then I dropped it. Just finished it in an archive binge, good stuff.