The rules are there to make you think before you break them.

— Terry Pratchett
Chapter 14, Page 9

Chapter 14, Page 9

To answer a question from last page’s comments; Kevin is nowhere near half as tough as Joey.  Lola won’t need any crocodiles.  (If I were a crocodile, I wouldn’t go near her anyway.)

↓ Transcript
Lola: But killing? Killing never goes out of style. Trilby? Where is Caera Shou?
Trilby: She's left the security room, ma'am...

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Discussion (15)¬

  1. Moxie Man says:

    1 down, 1 to go…

  2. Sans-sanity says:

    And the world poops its collective pants as it realises that *all* remaining active active genocide men are rogues.

  3. Carl says:

    I’m just trying to figure out if Lola is able to shrink the office with her fancy chair as well. Based upon previous strips, in panel one she’s sitting about ON where the Uber Mensch in Chief (nice nameplate) desk was. But shooting Kevin, there shouldn’t be any damage to the wall at her 3 o’clock because she cut him down ahead of her. And then the back entry to the office has shrunk in size from comic 629 to today’s panel 3.

    Love the comic, it’s just the scale perspectives today really threw me for a loop.

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    Blame the perspective on me. I enlarged Lola in panel one from Michael’s inks because I wanted her to have more dramatic impact. This is a case of taking (too much?) artistic license with the setting. It’s completely intentional. It’s not something readers should be noticing, though — you have a good eye!

  5. Moxie Man says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to the term: “You’re fired.”

  6. Rahka says:

    In before, Caera is going to go and ask for Jacob’s and others forgiveness. Though that is totally not like her.

  7. So is it possible to kill a Genocide Man without a retribution virus release, as long as it’s on the home front?

  8. David Cowie says:

    How did Lola’s chair gun know to turn and face the door?

  9. Ming the Merciless says:

    It point where she is is pointing, somewhat like the “head up display” and helmet firing systems in modern airliners and fighters

  10. Madorakas says:

    Hi Cap’n Coconuts
    Considering Lola being so prepared for a “good time” Genocide style, i figure she must have disabled Kevins Retribution virus brief case.

    On another note. What will Caera do now? Run in and get guned down or leave to plot bloody revenge?

  11. Remus Shepherd says:

    Genocide agents don’t always have virus cases. Usually, they’re only assigned one when they go out in the field. Lola has been seen carrying one at home in chapters 1 and 2. Caera has not been given one yet.

  12. Mark Linimon says:

    I see what you did there: very precisely said “given”.

  13. Unmaker says:

    As… interesting as this development is, I am not surprised. This is a 20:20 hindsight issue – of course the architect of modern genocide isn’t going to sit and take it when a poorly-self-controlled megalomaniac takes over the helm.

    Now, what is Lola’s plan to deal with Caera?

    Is it going to end up being Lola against everyone else?

  14. Kirta says:

    I love that you took the Ü suggestion <3

  15. Remus Shepherd says:

    I’ll also be fixing that previous page to add the umlauts. I’m fixing all the art mistakes you readers point out before publication.