Is it true that if you get far enough away from Earth, you can see a stamp on Antarctica that says ‘Doesn’t Play Well With Others’

— Jazz Masterson
Chapter 15, Page 14

Chapter 15, Page 14

I’ve been using textures sparingly, but when Kasey went nuts with the natural terrain I thought that some textures would be perfect to accompany it.  Haven’t seen a lot of trees and grass since we were in Brazil…

As for the Jian Shi, you may remember them from the timeline.  But don’t worry about looking them up right now.  Jacob is about to tell us all we need to know about them…


↓ Transcript
Jacob: So what is the plan?
Zoey: There's a town called Namgia just over the border. We can hie out there for awhile.
Roger: Maybe find an abandoned plane...
Zoey: Or just hide. China's a big country.
Jacob: Whoa, whoa. We are not crossing the border into China.
Zoey: Why not?
Jacob: The Jian Shi, that's why not!

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Discussion (7)¬

  1. R.S. Laurent says:

    So I’m assuming that the term “Jian Shi” literally translates to “Walking Dead”, because as I recall Jacob himself said “China is full of zombies”?

  2. CapnCoconuts says:

    China must be an very dangerous place if Jacob is that unwilling to go there.

  3. Xilinoc says:

    If even Jacob is afraid of the Jian Shi, I’m guessing they’re exceptionally hard to kill, even for zombies. Perhaps his zappy gun doesn’t work on them…

  4. Pat Scaramuzza says:

    Jiāngshī means ‘stiff’ in Chinese, and they use it for their traditional vampires and zombies. In the year 2061, the incident that forced an evacuation of China was labeled the Jian Shi pandemic. That’s more than you need to know right now. 🙂

  5. Jordan says:

    If Jacob is crapping himself at the idea of entering China, then you know it’s a bad place to be.

  6. SpectralTime says:

    …I was going to both quote that “China’s full of zombies” comment and the cultural history of the “jiang shi,” but I’ve been beaten to the punch. Twice.

  7. Ming the Merciless says:

    Here’s how Jake will defeat the Jiang Shi (pronounced “chong-shee”):
    Hop, hop and hop, hop!