Europe in its madness has now begun something beyond belief; in a time like that, one sees what a wretched animal species we belong to. I am quietly, sleepily pursuing my peaceful ruminations and feel only a mixture of pity and disgust.

— Albert Einstein
Chapter 15, Page 17

Chapter 15, Page 17

Hmn.  This page really needs to be paired with the next for maximum impact.  Perhaps I should stay silent for now, then…although I will point out that we seem to have broken Roger.  Was destined to happen eventually, I suppose.

↓ Transcript
Roger: Th-that's an army. That's a zombie army.
Zoey: But Abhik said that he drove away the local population!
Jacob: (sigh) That's probably why they're here. If Abhik has been poking at them...they'd counter-attack as soon as they saw trouble at the base.
Roger: That's a tank. There are zombies driving a tank!
Zoey: I hate to ask, Jacob, but can you fix this? They say Genocide men were designed to fight that just hype?
Jacob: Not hype. But we do it with support...and we do it by decapitating the command structure. I doubt the Jian Shi have officers or supply lines.

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Discussion (16)¬

  1. Saint_007 says:

    Huh. So that explains why the Genocide men are so legendarily effective despite only being a handful of men.

    Though one wonders how an army – even a zombie army – be unimpaired by lack of logistics? I mean, sure, they march and claw/bite at you, but things like ammo and fuel for the f***ing tank don’t exactly grow on trees.

  2. NJB says:

    “…ammo and fuel for the f***ing tank don’t exactly grow on trees”

    First things to plant when you invade Narnia then.

  3. DanielLC says:

    And the zombies are supposed to be really strong, right? Strength takes muscle, muscle takes energy, and energy takes food.

  4. Saint_007 says:

    @DanielLC – I’m guessing the Jiang Shi are like camels in that regard; a bit of food goes a long way. They can always chow down on any victims they find along the way.

    @NJB – good one!

  5. A supersoldier should be able to eat any plant or animal or fungus they come across, given the supply line issue. 🙂

  6. Ming the Merciless says:

    Getting rid of a swarm of fire ants, for example, require getting at and killing the queen…who is their king, the Great Jumping Jehoshaphat?

  7. R.S. Laurent says:

    “gonna need a bigger gun”
    Preferably a space based rail cannon

  8. Madorakas says:

    There is a simple solution to this. Just set up a sign pointing back where they came from reading “Free brains that way”

    Problem solved, your welcome.

  9. Azeldan says:

    Didn’t Jacob say the Jiang Shi virus was highly infectious? I think I figured out why the official G.U.S. policy is to keep their Genocide Men away from them. Genocide Men are probably highly resistant to infection…but the idea of a Jiang Shi infected Genocide Man? Yeah…keep away. Just in case.

  10. Ming the Merciless says:

    Caera seem to be able to hop around aplenty without needing to be an infected chung shee…she’ll slice thru the hoppers like a hot knife thru butter…or Senegalese army…

  11. CapnCoconuts says:

    I guess this is the tactical “oops” of the chapter.

  12. Henry says:

    I would be quite surprised if they actually didn’t have a command structure. I doubt they have a distributed intelligence type-thing going on, but my guess is that even if you eliminate the commanders new ones will replace them. It’s like trying to decapitate a pile of sand.

  13. Inconsistent Banking Details says:

    Why is Jacob’s finger inside the trigger guard? I thought he was a highly trained professional.

  14. Pat Scaramuzza says:

    There’s a few tactical “oops” in this chapter. 🙂

    Can’t explain the trigger guard thing — it wasn’t intentional. Let’s say his safety is on.

  15. Inconsistent Banking Details says:

    Fair enough, although safeties are meant to work in conjunction with TRIGGAR DISCIPLINE. That said, we can totally put it down to the stress of sudden proximity to the Jiang Shi 😉

  16. Madorakas says:

    yeah being near zombies WHIT guns would stress the hell out of me.