I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! I lost my tux at the cleaners! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! It wasn’t MY FAULT!

— Jake Blues
Chapter 17, Page 23

Chapter 17, Page 23

Zoey is an interesting character to fit into our power trio.  Like Girii she’s idealistic, but unlike Girii nothing ever gets Zoey down.  The girl’s a dynamo of positive thinking.  They’re both excellent foils for the dour Jacob and the nervous (occasionally even paranoid) Roger.

↓ Transcript
Zoey: This is great!
Roger: No, this is bad.
Both: It's the Genocide Project!
Zoey: Relax, Roger. They must be here to negotiate.
Roger: They never negotiate. 'Mass murder' is literally part of their name!
Zoey: This is the moment when the world changes, Roger. They're not going to kill anyone while we have cameras streaming live.
Roger: I have footage of them doing it before, remember? Ohmigod...

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Unmaker says:

    Paraphrasing Douglas Adams:

    Ground. I wonder if it will be friends with me.

    I think Zoey and the whale will have something in common shortly: excessively violent reality checks.

  2. Jordan says:

    …How the hell has Zoey survived this long? She KNOWS what the Genocide Project does to maintain control: they literally murder the shit out of anyone who opposes them. Roger may be paranoid, but he’s properly paranoid in this case.

  3. Drace says:

    ‘nothing ever gets zoey down.’
    Royally arsed lola might do the trick.
    Or a gun. Or a royally arsed lola with a gun.

  4. Ro'Wan says:

    Zoey, find some cover……..
    Preferably underground…………
    In an airtight bunker…….

  5. Z00l00k says:

    Either Zoey is immune to everything or the Genocide Project actually avoids her because she has a dead mans grip on something worse.