Till there was rock you only had God.

— Ziggy Stardust
Chapter 20 Cover

Chapter 20 Cover

I love this cover!  Kasey did a fantastic job on it.  I always liked Jacob in formal clothes, sort of as an aged James Bond.  For some reason he always defaulted back to shorts and a t-shirt.

Things are crazy for me at the moment.  My house is empty of furniture, except a card table with my PC and Wacom tablet.  At least there’s no TV or any other distractions, so as soon as moving has settled down I should be set.  Wish me luck in keeping the update schedule, I’m going to need it.

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Discussion (11)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    Somehow this reminds me of the White Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland.

  2. Moxie Man says:

    Looking forward to the last of it. This has been a fun “ride”. Thank you.

  3. Mike says:

    Gold watch? Is that a bullet hole in it?

    Good luck with the move.

    • Unmaker says:

      Bullet hole? Possibly. Some fancy watches have a phase of the moon display that looks like that, too.

  4. Adept Prime says:

    Wait, did you take a gander at Batman: The Animated Series and liked Tempel Fuget?

  5. Ro'Wan says:

    Bond ain’t got NUTHIN on Jacob…………….
    How many suave British spies do YOU know that can bring entire nations to their knees just by SHOWING UP?

  6. tangled_z says:

    Ah noo, this is making me sad.

    And watching Jacob walk off a cliff so happily also makes me sad. Poor Jacob, it’s unlikely that there’s any other way that this can end for him.

  7. Zer-Author says:

    Oh god, he’s smiling. Take cover!

  8. Unmaker says:

    I am not fully getting this. The cliff for “doing something stupid and/or irrevocable” makes some sense, but what is up with the suit and watch?

    • lake_wrangler says:

      The way I see it, the gold watch is part of the typical retirement package deal.

      The suit? I don’t know. Just to make the whole thing look respectable? Like someone who’s given his whole life to the company, and all they give him is a stupid gold watch at his retirement party…

  9. Chuk says:

    Yes, great cover.