There ain’t no point being born if you ain’t prepared to die.

— Unknown Liberian resistance fighter
Page 69

Page 69

Last week Antonious said that women could be a force of nature? It so happens that Jacob is a force of nature on his own.

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When all you have is a license to murder, well…

↓ Transcript
Jacob: This is bad. Too many people. I'm too well-known.
Roger: Dude, the Genocide Project keeps your picture off the net. The only image of you I could find was about fifty years ago. You still had hair.
Jacob: It's still a bad idea to be out in public like this. So here's the plan: I steal a jeep.
Roger: What?
Jeep driver: What!?
Jacob: We'll have to run. Girii will have to come with us. We'll disappear in the slums. She can buy clothes there.
Jeep driver: Police! Gendarmes! Help!
Roger: This is a bad plan.
Jacob: Why?
Roger: Because you can't solve everything with violence!
Jacob: Watch me.
Girii: Jacob?

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. soupygeorge says:

    Maybe Jacob has a point – there can’t be that many people around with creepy pupil-less eyes.

  2. Gillsing says:

    And he couldn’t buy a pair of shades? But I guess he knows what he’s doing. After all, he did receive that box of baby skulls, so he knows that someone knows about him, and therefore it would be prudent to assume that anyone sent out by that someone would also know about him.

  3. I understand the comment by Giri about the walrus penis bone sales where necessary for the story but in fact, the Northern Stores are far better stocked than any in Dakar.
    See, Northern people have MOH_NAY!!! Senegalese dont! So present day Chinamen will sell a lot more in Nunavut than Senegal and predictable trends indicate the spread will widen. Both locales have resources but the Nunavut reps dont carry ten pound of gold braid on their chest!

    By the way, stealing is very hazardous in Dakar, “they” lynch thieves there!

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    Ah, but this is the future. Plagues have reduced the Earth’s population to 3 billion, and the Arctic doesn’t have the infrastructure anymore to be a profitable frontier.

    More importantly, Dakar is the western anchor for the Transatlantic Tunnel (which was mentioned briefly on Page 62; you’ll be hearing more about it later). Senegal is now the ‘Gateway to Africa’, a very rich country and a prize that G.U.S. would very much like to get their hands on.

    You’ll get a better picture of the political situation soon. Jacob and crew have only been ashore for half an hour, their time! They’ll be stepping into the political fray early next chapter, and you’ll see more about Dakar and Senegal then.

  5. Yes, I meant to ask…
    Cant wait to hear details…semi-submersible tunnels for transsonic mag-lev “trains” propelled by pneumatic black powder charges perhaps?
    That would beat us with our mere Mach .83(600mph)
    on the jet freighter 3.5 hrs leg between Recife and Dakar. THAT sti ll beat Jules Verne and company’s predictions of 100 years ago with their airships with beating wings going at the monstrous speed of 120 miles an hour