A country which is secure in its institutions and confident in its laws should not be ashamed of the concept of mercy.

— Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy
Page 71

Page 71

So a bald-headed hero, a moody girl and a sarcastic young man meet a cabbage merchant…stop me if you’ve heard this one before. 🙂

↓ Transcript
Girii: Jacob!! Jacob, stop -- look at yourself! You're an old man plowing through a farmer's market!
Jacob: People shouldn't sell produce in the middle of the street.
Cabbage Merchant: My cabbages!!
Girii: You're going to kill somebody. Is that what you want? Jacob, don't kill anybody!
Jacob: I'll make you a deal, princess. I won't kill anyone unless they point a weapon at me.
Roger: Look, a gun! He's got a gun!
Girii: Water pistols don't count!
Jacob: Roger, you're not helping.

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Jago of the 7 knives says:

    “My cabbages!!” Say, its the cabbage guy from “Avatar: The Legend of Aang”…LOL..a very funny and appropriate cameo role! LOL…This comic is getting better and better.

  2. Kez says:

    Hahah! Love the reference!

  3. Dave says:

    Gonna join the other Last Airbender fans in giving props for the Cabbage Merchant reference. 😀

  4. Shattergraves says:

    My Cabbages! LOL!!1 Metahumor.

  5. Michael says:

    I am embarrassed at how long it took me to figure out why the cabbage merchant seemed so familiar.