Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

— Goethe
Page 72

Page 72

Yes, even secondary characters deserve to have their moments of awesome once in a while. But is Keeba a good guy working for a bad girl, or what? Stay tuned…

↓ Transcript
Keeba: What is he doing? He's terrifying everyone but the llamaraffes. The market street ends at Rue de Canaux. I can cut him off, but how do I --
Keeba: Monsieur! I want to buy your paints.

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Discussion (8)¬

  1. Shattergraves says:

    Are there good guys in this comic? Seems like everyone is in a grey area to me.

  2. Guist says:

    Paints? I guess we’ll see why next week!

  3. Quelzoth says:

    When I first read this page, I though he said “I want to buy your pants.”

    Imagine my confusion

  4. Moxie Man says:

    I love the mini-giraffes.

    And yes, I’m now wondering why he wants to buy some paints.

  5. AceOfSpade says:

    Either this guy as got one crazy good plan or he is easily distracted by art.

  6. Remus Shepherd says:

    Shattergraves, the simple answer to your question is that everyone is in a grey area in this comic. 🙂

    Some are grayer than others, however, and by the end of the first book in the trilogy (chapter 7 or 8, if I follow my plans) the battlelines between good and evil should be pretty clear.

  7. Llamaraffes! Probably a fair bit shorter and easier to store.

  8. What evil lurk in the hearts of men?

    The Shadow knoooow!

    (Archetypes are general tendencies and subsist, rather than exist, in potentia only…)


    The Shadow possesses incredible physical abilities. He possesses astonishing reflexes and is an incredible marksman with a gun. He also has incredible muscular control and can slip his body through the bars of a prison cell like a contortionist or can actually distort and alter his very facial features at will by manipulating his facial muscles. He can also survive for hours without air and was also ambidexterous (capable of using both hands). He is regarded as highly experienced in various disciplines of hand to hand combat as well.