It’s these small victories that make life worth living for the rest of us who are still waiting for our superpowers to manifest.

— Brian Clevinger
Page 74

Page 74

Enthusiasm, suspicion, and cluelessness. That’s how we make transitions fun around here. 🙂

↓ Transcript
Roger voiceover: That's how we made it to the Palais De Pakawa. It was a huge office building -- almost a self-contained city. It had luxury tailors. Girii was ecstatic. Jacob, of course, was suspicious.
Jacob: Touch my gun, and you die. Touch my luggage and everyone in this building dies.
Roger voiceover: They offered me a change of clothes, but I'm not trading away my jacket. Too much tech stitched into the lining.
Keeba: Would you at least like a shower?
Roger: No, thanks, I'm good.
Keeba. Cologne? Breath mint?
Roger voiceover: They were polite, but I felt there was something they weren't telling me.

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Discussion (6)¬

  1. Skur says:

    19.1.2012 – You got a new reader, read all 74 pages in one go. Your work – for some reason unknown – reminds me of War Child by M. Wagner. But better, because it has more character development and is less slow. But I think it takes a step too much in the other direction and feels a bit rushed and jumpy. (Probably because you want the pages to be closed in themselves.) But other than that, the story seems very promising, the setup is very interesting and you work with the grey shades is phantastic. Especially the screen in panel 4 here is excellently creating the illusion of colours.

  2. Remus Shepherd says:

    Thanks, Skur! Glad you’re enjoying the comic.

    Everything in the comic has a color in my mind. I just translate it to the right shade of grey. That’s easier than trying to get the color out of my mind correctly, since I’m colorblind and my eyes can’t see them properly.

  3. SCAScot says:

    Cologne? Breath mint? Deodorant? LOL

  4. Jago of the 7 knives says:

    I do believe that with all the tech sewed into Roger’s jacket and body, his olfactory sensors are probably clogged up with some type of data storage or transmitting device. Heck, his nose is big enough to contain two large lithium batteries for all I care. Still, he should have gotten the message that he has BODY ODOR!

  5. --jt-- says:

    Found an automated air freshener gadget at the store that is supposed to detect odors. I’d been pondering if I could adapt it to buzz or blink instead of spray when I got B.O.

  6. Instead of buzzing, spraying or blinking, get it to play George Thorogood’s “Get a hair cut and get a real job, Clean your act up and don’t be a slob…etc… “!!!