I want people to smile — did you notice? Funerals always end up with someone smiling: it’s natural, it’s Life taking over Death.

— Enzo Baldoni
Page 75

Page 75

Ah, costume changes. Roger’s wardrobe is going to stay the same — at least for a while — but the rest of the cast might be changing clothes now and then.

Any requests? I doubt I can put Jacob in a speedo (he’ll kill me if I try) but it can’t hurt to ask…

↓ Transcript
Girii: Look, Roger! Isn't it beautiful?
Roger: Wow. Yeah, it's, uh, it's great. Looks good on you, Girii. Really, I mean it.
Girii: I know you do. I can tell. Any news on how Jacob's doing?
Jacob: I'm fine. But I don't like this place.
Girii: What's not to like? This is how rich people live!
Jacob: This is how paranoid people live.
Girii: Takes one to know one...
Jacob: This isn't an office building. It's a fully stocked fortress. Never seen a senator's office without windows. Or with a desk chair built for a giant...

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. Skur says:

    The longer Roger wears this clothes, the more I think I can smell him. I’d like to see Jacob choose his clothes on his own some time, so I can see what’s his taste. He looks a bit like a priest now. Fits weirdly.

  2. Sonja says:

    I like Jacob’s new clothes! But I’m not sure about Girii… Doesn’t really fit her.

  3. “I doubt I can put Jacob in a speedo (he’ll kill me if I try) but it can’t hurt to ask…”

    Please! Don’t ask! The very thought of the word-picture is disabling enough. Now I must take my eyes out and bleach them….


  4. Speaking of paranoids…
    Lamont Cranston:(The Shadow), waving two 1911s, [narration] This is where it started – suddenly – the Case of the Cotton Kimono.