Don’t believe them, don’t fear them, don’t ask anything of them.

— Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Page 76

Page 76

Okay, we’ve had some fun in this chapter, lot of laughs, new costumes and so on.

But this is a funny comic about mass slaughter. So prepare yourselves, because in chapter five we’re going to start racking up the body count. Stay tuned. πŸ™‚

↓ Transcript
Jacob: ...and I do not like seeing that.
Girii: It's just a funky statue.
Roger: Oh, wait. That's a statue of Dahnai, isn't it? I've read about her. The first uplifted animal, right??
Jacob: The first public monster. The only one. She's what prompted us to hunt down any others.
Girii: Did you kill her?
Jacob: No, we didn't kill her. She died of natural causes, while in hiding.
Roger: Doesn't look like a monster...
Jacob: Her figure is an underground symbol for revolutionaries and subversives. If Senegal were in the Global Union, this statue would be illegal as hell.
Msaka: Lucky we're not in G.U.S., then. I find her inspirational.

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Discussion (12)¬

  1. Let the bodies hit the floor, then.

  2. Skur says:

    She’s going to offer him a deal, I bet. Finds out he’s defected and then she gives a foe-of-my-foe talk.

  3. nikitas says:

    Hi! Reader, new commenter, from Italy πŸ™‚
    I really enjoy your work! I choose to comment because… maybe I’m a little bit a clichΓ©s lover but I’d have written the last sentence like this: “I find her… ispirational”.
    I know… sounds too much like a villain maybe

    anyway, good work, kudos!

  4. Remus Shepherd says:

    Ellipsis (…) are always tricky. In prose writing authors are warned to avoid them where possible. In comic dialog I try not to use them as punctuation within a word bubble. The ellipsis is perfect for continuing a sentence from one bubble to another, though.

    You bring up a good question, though — is Msaka a villain? Oh, wait, I already said that everyone in the comic is a shade of gray. πŸ™‚

    Anyway, welcome, paisano! Glad you’re enjoying the story!

  5. nikitas says:

    you’re probably right, I never thought about that πŸ™‚ I just hear the characters’ voices in my head while I read, and I thought that a pause would be great there.
    About the shades of gray, well, that’s one of the reasons why I enjoy the comic!

  6. Notice on how too tall peoples like Msaka generally lean forward, as if to make themselves shorter. If we envy their size, they see it as a handicap.

  7. Skur says:

    I’d rather guess that they do because it is less acheful to bend down the upper body instead of only the eyes or the neck, which strains incredibly after a while. After all, they still need to look people in the eyes.

  8. Gaijin says:

    So what meaning, if any, does the name Dahnai have? The inscription on the statue is in Japanese, but the name’s spelling in the text is definitely not from Japan.

  9. Remus Shepherd says:

    The meaning of Dahnai’s name is mentioned…I think next chapter.

    ‘Dahnai’ is not a phonetic english spelling. Pronouncing it ‘Da-neΓ©’ might make more sense to people who can read Japanese. The text on the statue is the intended spelling.

    (Ultimately it’s all my fault. πŸ™‚ I know a little japanese, but my pronunciation is terrible.)

  10. SCAScot says:

    Speaking of hearing character voices inside your head, I’m wondering if they are saying “Gee-ewe-ess” or just “Gus” (as in the name) where “G.U.S.” is written.

  11. Remus Shepherd says:

    Haven’t decided that, myself. Probably different people say it different ways.

  12. Well, Senegal being french, they’ll say “les Gusses”, (the boys) but most likely Gugusse…(in contempt, clowns.)