Get me something to kill.

— General LonGears
Page 94

Page 94

Hey, folks. I’m going away to Taos Toolbox — a two-week writer’s seminar with Walter Jon Williams and Nancy Kress, two big name science fiction authors. I will have comics running while I’m away. But to get them done in time, I am decreasing the detail that I wanted to put into this chapter…as you maybe can tell from this fight scene.

If I have to skip anything important (like shading), I’ll go back and fix those pages later. I’m hoping that I won’t have to do anything that noticable. The story won’t miss a beat, and I won’t leave you in the middle of a fight or a cliffhanger. At least, I won’t leave you waiting more than the usual week. Take care and wish me luck, folks!

↓ Transcript
Msaka: Why did you kill that man? I had him.
Jacob: I saw a shot, I took it.
Msaka: You killed four. I only killed one.
Jacob: For a politician, Msaka, I'd say you did fine.

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Discussion (6)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    I wish you success with the writer’s seminar!

    Wow, Msaka’s hat didn’t move for a sec…

  2. DaveP. says:

    Sonja- her milliner uses the same Fight-Tite hatband that Ray Smuckles uses.

  3. Remus Shepherd says:

    Heh. That hat conforms to the shape of her hair so well, I couldn’t see it shifting much. The African Kufi hat is more of a headsock than a proper hat. I may need to buy one so I can study them better.

  4. Gillsing says:

    In the last panel I wonder if she’s gaping because of the killsteal discussion, or because she didn’t expect them to kick all that ass so quickly and with so little effort?

  5. Skur says:

    The discussion is only an embodiment of their capability and lack of reluctance to kill.
    I think what shocked and awed her is that she realised what she and her comerades are up against and that she thought she could go on a one-man mission and just take-out like that. By all that’s right and fair, she’s a walking dead, saved from her fate only by these five other deaths.
    Or, to put it in a chauvinistic perspective:
    She’s just lost the silly romanticism that girls have. The idea that as long as you really have confidence in yourself, the world will fall into place to be nice to you.
    One might argue that she knows how to handle a fight, but taking more risk than necessary, when armed and armored soldiers are at disposal, is just ditsy.

  6. In other words, she just lost her cherry, figuratively speaking!