The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.

— Alfred North Whitehead
Chapter 6, Page 19

Chapter 6, Page 19

I’ve started advertising again, and I’ve targeted some ads at furry comics. If you’re visiting for the first time, welcome!

If you’re wondering what this comic has to do with furries, you might start here to see where the story is heading. Or stick with us — next chapter is coming up soon, and I guarantee things will be pretty hairy by then. ๐Ÿ™‚

↓ Transcript
Joey: Howdy, Jake! Was wondering if you'd notice me!
Jacob: Joey! Run! Just run!
Joey: Oh, are those your new mates? I should introduce myself. And clear some of these looky-loos away.
Girii: Jacob!
Jacob: No! I'm fine -- keep running!
Police: Parar! Freeze!

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Discussion (15)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    I begin to understand why there were so many accidents caused by Joey.

  2. SCAScot says:

    If Joey says “whoa”, Imma drive to your house and hit you. I know where you live.

  3. For a first encounter with Joey — that went pretty well, I think.

    I mean, it could have been worse. Joey could’ve been serious, instead of just out for a good time.

  4. Zarpaulus says:

    Hope G-Man mods include immunity to Sarin.

  5. DaveP. says:

    Joey’s all about the collateral, isn’t he.

  6. Jago of the 7 knives says:

    Oh good, a genocidal maniac who actually love his job. Joey is obviously not a very discreet type of individual. But at least he is very democratic in the spreading of death to all concern. Joey must be an equal (death) rights nuts. Story getting better and better.

  7. Gillsing says:

    @SCAScot: But what if Joey says “How you doin’?” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. harkovast says:

    Advertising on furry comics must work pretty well, it brought me here.

  9. Remus Shepherd says:

    I’ve noticed that targeted ads of any type work better than just spreading ads around willy nilly.

    If I can just reach the future dystopia webcomic crowd and target them, then I’ll be golden. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Ming the Merciless says:

    Looky-Looz, eh! Wouldn’t the eyeballs be an
    Achille’s heel for a GM?

  11. MakarovJAC says:

    Actually, the translation in Spanish for “stop” and “help” are “quieto” and “ayuda”. The “r” at the end indicates it’s a verb in its unmodified form. However, it changes notoriously based on the situation, time, and gender of the subject.

    If you like, you can follow the right orthographic symbols by adding ยฟ or ยก whenever you write a word or sentece using the ending version. These are put at the beginning and are closed by the other symbol.

  12. skythorn says:

    I reckon you should try collecting similar types – anyhow, is one that’s kinda similar and kinda different … it’s a better post holocaust than … and is awesome in a magical-horror-science kinda way.

    Still prefer yours cos there is an old feller doing his thing …

  13. Remus Shepherd says:

    Thanks, MakarovJAC! I was actually trying to write in Portuguese, not Spanish, but I know they’re similar.

  14. Artur says:

    Well, if Brazil is still the same country as in our time, we speak Brazilian Portuguese, so the correct words would be “Ajuda!” or “Socorro!” to ask for help, and “Pare!” or “Parado!” for “Freeze!”.

  15. Remus Shepherd says:

    Excellent, thank you, Artur!