Life is just nature’s way of keeping meat fresh.

— Stephan Moffet
Chapter April, Page Fools

Chapter April, Page Fools

Okay, okay, I know. You all probably want to kill me for making a diversion like this in the middle of a tense, moody scene. In my defense, this is the first time in my ten years of drawing webcomics that April Fool’s has fallen on an update day.

It’s really bad timing in the story, but I had planned for this a while ago, and…well, a moment of humor is never a bad thing. 🙂 We’re back to the jungle next week, folks!

↓ Transcript
Roger's Pompadour: What the -- What's going on?
Girii's Do: Isn't it obvious? Remus said that he enjoys drawing hair more than anything he's decided to turn this into an all-hair comic.
Dahnai's Mohawk: At least he's drawing my normal hairdo...not my matted, braided jungle hair.
Msaka's Fro: Have you considered wearing a hat? I think they're quite stylish.
Largo's Mane: The difference between 'hair' and 'fur' is very confusing. But Largo is just happy to be included.
Kevin's Toupee: If I take off my toupee I might be invisible...and thus even more evil.
Caera's Cascade: Evil? I thought we were the good guys?
Lola's Bun: You keep on thinking that, dear.
Joey's Locks: Evil, good; whatever. All I know is, I'm the one with the best hair. Ain't that right, Jake?
Jacob's Fuzz (and gun!): Remus...stop playing around. Or else.

Discussion (15)¬

  1. Matt40000 says:

    Ok, I came expecting tense, grim and interesting sci-fi drama and got… an April Fools prank. It’s all good though as I found this Hair-larious

  2. GP says:

    Was watching TV with a friend and their choice
    of programming brought one of your strips to
    mind and lead to this thought:

    Hope you don’t mind the derivative product. ^_-

  3. Moxie Man says:

    Amusing. But another whole week for a real update. Now that *IS* a cruel joke. 🙂

  4. SCAScot says:

    A cheap April fools joke? Is that how seriously you take this thing? Is that how much you appreciate your fans? I can’t believe you’d do this to your loyal readers. Shows how much you care.

    That’s the final straw, mister. I’m outta here. Have fun with your little comic.

  5. Ol' Gui says:

    You must have had a brush with being a hair dresser in a former life. Things were just starting to gell when comb up with this silliness. Well, I like it.

  6. Carrot says:

    Toupee is the best hair
    It reminds me of a carapace
    (also I hate you so much right now [but it’ll blow over within the next five minutes, I’m sure])

  7. Remus Shepherd says:

    I may not have apologized deeply enough in my note, but I’m glad you’re all taking it well. You got to have to have fun with this sort of thing.

    (And don’t worry, SCAScot will be back. He’s the only thing keeping me from introducing a rabbit character, and he won’t shirk that important responsibility. 🙂 )

  8. --jt-- says:

    If a devilbunny _were_ to make a cameo – who would it be?

  9. Sky says:

    I liked this quite a lot. Very nicely done, I can see the characters saying their piece and saying their lines in and out of character. Very nicely done! Smiles all around down here in Australia

  10. Moxie Man says:

    jt: With Remus involved who knows, but I wouldn’t put it past him to bring in the Bambi Brigade if he were to have a devilbunny cameo occur.

  11. SCAScot says:

    Given the technology present in this comic, it would be technically possible to create a Devilbunny. However, I think a Ferroti would be more likely.

    Not that I want to see either, mind you.

  12. --jt-- says:

    I really wouldn’t expect RS to follow thru with such a thing. The only context I figure wouldn’t be too distracting to his current story would be seeing ’em on a movie poster in the bacground.- similar to what was done a while back in Freefall. Still fun to speculate on 😉

  13. Remus Shepherd says:

    For the record, I am planning no devilbunny cameos. But then I didn’t plan the Pinkie Pie cameo at the beginning of chapter six, so anything may happen.

  14. Ming the Merciless says:

    Nothing wrong with a little break…the current action in:
    and in:
    Amply compensate…carry on for next week,
    I’m sure we wont be disappointed!

    • Remus Shepherd says:

      Just a note, Ming — I don’t mind links, especially links to other webcomics, especially ones I haven’t seen before. But the messageboard software will hold your comment for moderation if you put too many links in it. It may be days before I notice and save the comment. It’s not me, it’s the way WordPress/Comicpress works.