It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.

— Joseph Campbell
Chapter 7, Page 10

Chapter 7, Page 10

We’re back in the trees for (…let me count…um…) three more pages. Well, not entirely in the canopy. Joey is still making friends.

And yes, that’s another hair joke. It was in the script that I wrote a long time ago, before I even considered doing an April Fools’ page, and I didn’t see a reason to replace it. It’s the last hair joke for the forseeable future, I swear. 🙂

↓ Transcript
Dahnai: Careful -- don't step past the bioluminescent orchids. We planted those to mark the edge of the platform under the canopy.
Roger: I was wondering what I was standing on. Did you build a lot of stuff in the trees?
Dahnai: Just a few ladders and pathways. After Tatsu...left, I stayed behind to raise the slo-cows. It didn't seem right to abandon them. It's nice here. Especially at night, when I don't have to worry about spy satellites. I do miss shampoo, though. Wiry in the front, silky in the back -- I've always had three breeds worth of bad hair.
Roger: You're probably better off staying here.
Dahnai: Perhaps. Say, Roger...

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Discussion (10)¬

  1. Z00l00k says:

    Awesome story! I like the dark mood and the paths taking the story all over the world.

    Another story I like is Xellana by Kari Leppänen.


  2. SCAScot says:

    I don’t know why I’m still hair.

  3. Ol' Gui says:

    Dear SCAScot, you just wigged out a little bit when you realized how tangled up you were in the story line. Relax a bit, you had a close brush with stress but you got better.

  4. Nsinger998 says:

    Does dahnai have 4 boobs? Please don’t think me rude for asking but it didn’t seem like she did before….

  5. Zarpaulus says:

    @Nsinger998: That could be her ribcage. She does look rather thin.

  6. LT says:

    Is that even Joey’s gun, or did he steal it from the GM armory when no one was looking?

  7. Mr. Ookami says:

    Is she wearing panties? also does she have 4 breasts?

  8. Remus Shepherd says:

    Sorry that I haven’t been talkative this week. An ice storm knocked my power out for four days. I’ve been living in a hotel. All’s good now, though, except that I’m scrambling to finish Monday’s page.

    Some answers:

    1. Joey has the standard-issue GM rail gun.
    2. I haven’t decided how many breasts Dahnai has. I agree that the shading gets tricky in this dim underlight. This is as unclothed as she’s going to get, so it shouldn’t matter. Write your own fanfics. 🙂
    3. She’s wearing homemade hide clothing; that’s why the edges are ragged. Yeah, it looks like panties, but then I wanted a sexy sub-vibe so that’s okay. This is the ‘Meeting with a Goddess’ part of the Hero’s Journey; that should give you a hint of what’s coming next. 🙂

    Hope this helps. More on Monday!

  9. Zarpaulus says:

    I don’t suppose this comic takes place in the same universe as Indefensible Positions does it? Wonder what would happen if a pseudo-immortal formed a demon.

  10. Remus Shepherd says:

    Eh, it’s a hundred years later, and IP’s universe is mostly the same as ours, so it could be the same universe. But I’m trying to stick with sci-fi in this story. You’re right, though, the avatars would definitely be interested in Dahnai…