Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I’m delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever!

— Baron Munchausen
Chapter 10, Page 1

Chapter 10, Page 1

All right, this is the page where I loaded up all the whale puns to get them out of the way.  I now open the microphone to anyone else who wants to try some.  Kevin’s done, he won’t be doing any more.  He’ll find something else to make bad jokes about — they don’t call him Kevin Kidd for nothing.

↓ Transcript
Kevin: You know, Caera...when we gave you a sword, I assumed it was ornamental. You have a gun, you can shoot people.
Caera: I was never a good shot.
Kevin: Try it next time. You'll find your reflexes are sharper than before. What's this about their escape?
Caera: Whales. They're using whales.
Kevin: Whales. Well, that's a whale of a tale. I suppose we shouldn't blubber about it. It may have been a fluke.

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Discussion (13)¬

  1. Zamodiar says:

    Oh god, is that the actual reason?

  2. NJB says:

    Maybe I’m just used to sickeningly bad jokes, but I reacted to those whale puns with ambergris.. Sorry, ambivalence.
    I’ll shut my blowhole now.

  3. The Sidhekin says:

    Stop weeping, we’re whaling!

    … not that Caera seems to have had much success. I now wonder if she just never managed to touch the whale at all (as I first thought), if Fumiaki’s modifications included antidotes to the neurotoxin, or if the mere size of the whale was enough to soak up the stuff without serious damage …

  4. dermiste says:

    Am I the only one to think that Kevin reeaaaally looks like Ed Wuncler Sr. from “The Boondocks”? I can feel the pettiness dripping off his pores. Remus, Michael: awesome work!

  5. Elihias says:

    … *googles ‘whale puns’

    Oh god… here…

    I am not typing that lot out.
    n you can forget cut-n-paste too.


  6. SCAScot says:


  7. …And meanwhile Caera is grimacing, doubled over in agony and pain… oh, and her body aches a little bit too, but nothing like listening to Kevin tell a whale of a tale of the tail of a whale. I’ll bet she could get some good accuracy with a harpoon.

  8. Jerden says:

    Are you guys fed up all ready? I’m having a whale of a time here!

  9. Darls Chickens says:

    I hope that was the Fin.

    It’s Kevin who will end up skewered, and the agency will approve.

  10. Matt40000 says:

    Well if I didn’t think Kevin was diabolical before those puns made me cetacean.
    Hopefully they had some sort of plot porpoise.

  11. Siirenias says:

    No wonder he’s smirking. He has weaponized puns.

  12. Moxie Man says:

    I already covered this when Caera was first whaled by the whale. In the “Downeast Yankee” dialect, to “whale” upon something is to hit it really hard.

  13. Joe says:

    Haha, looks like she’s looking for a gun.