I’m a Canadian. If the US and Canada were to go to war, it would be my duty to kill as many Americans as I could. I’d enjoy it.

— William Shatner
Chapter 10, Page 2

Chapter 10, Page 2

Oops, I didn’t get this page up at 1 AM this morning.  I blame the buffer — I’m building a buffer now, which means I haven’t worked on this page in days.  I’ll have to start loading them in advance.

But what a page!  Michael went above and beyond to put detail in this one.  I told him to draw ‘a few delegates’…what I got was crazy.  No complaints.  It’s good to have Kevin monologue in front of a packed audience.

↓ Transcript
Underling: Sir? The G.U.S. security council is waiting for you.
Kevin: Hmph. In the days of proper British empire, the lesser nations understood the concept of 'Fashionably Late'. Hello, all. I understand you had some questions about oversight?
Voiceover: After some discussion --
Kevin: You see, Stefano, you need not worry about the Genocide Project being undermanned.
Stefano: Our concern was that you created a new agent without permission.
Kevin: Wasn't aware that I needed it.

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Discussion (9)¬

  1. The Sidhekin says:

    They’re all delegates? That’s a huge security council. Does it get anything done?


  2. chukg says:

    That is a *lot* of delegates, I liked it.

  3. Jay says:

    If they have that many delegates (all with veto powers?) I’d assume Lola had rigged it to be sure they *couldn’t* decide anything…

  4. NJB says:

    Unfortunately Kevin’s attitude reminds me of a more overt form of the same superiority complex and xenophobia that I find so distasteful in modern day England. It makes me ashamed to be British.

  5. Remus Shepherd says:

    I know several British folk who are very good people. But I’m afraid Kevin is going to be a bad example. 🙂

  6. Darls Chickens says:

    “I have a push button for each one of your lives and the lives of all the people you care about. Now, which one of you is going to give me orders?

    I hope that answers your oversight questions.”

  7. Thor says:

    In the last panel it looks like Kingpin from the animated spider man is making an appearance (far left third screen down). It’s good to see such upstanding people watching the project 🙂

  8. Jerden says:

    @ Remus – Us Brits make excellent villains. We make pretty good heroes too (Bond, Holmes, The Doctor), but excellent villains.

    Also, I’m just randomly wondering how you collected all the quotes that display at the top of the webpage. Did you just copy the ones you liked as you browsed the internet?

  9. Remus Shepherd says:

    I have a quote file that I’ve collected over the years. It has quotes from the internet, from books, and from actual dialogue with a few people. I put some selected quotes — those without profanity and with a passing significance to the comic — into the randomizer on this web page.