A country which is secure in its institutions and confident in its laws should not be ashamed of the concept of mercy.

— Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy
Chapter 18, Page 2

Chapter 18, Page 2

I wanted to have Girii speak Inuit curse words more often, but there just wasn’t much opportunity.  It certainly works better now that she’s a slim badass.

↓ Transcript
Roger: Then...Girii came out of hiding. I wanted to warn her...tell her there was still one Genocide Man nearby. But I don't think she cared.
Girii: Hey, Nuluquqtuq!

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Why does it matter that she’s slim?

  2. Pat Scaramuzza says:

    Just remarking on how much she’s changed, and her path to being a badass. A path we’re going to see culminate very soon…

  3. Ming the Merciless says:

    Well, I know Nulu mean ass, and Quaqtak ᖁᐊᖅᑕᖅ mean “tapeworm”(I used to have a girlfriend in that village), yes, it’s how the Inuits call this place in Inuktituk(funny people!)
    Landing a floatplane or a skiplane in Quaqtak was a piece of work then…today, they have a runway…

  4. Anonymous coward says:

    Because a slim badass is literally a smaller target and has a higher strength-to-inertia ratio. Fat people can do a lot of things but there is no home for them in the infantry