Ah, comic strip writing–the ideal 21st century occupation for anyone who simply can’t commit to scrimshaw.

— Francesco Marciuliano, writer of Sally Forth
Chapter 18, Page 4

Chapter 18, Page 4

For a girl who has been worried about becoming like Jacob for months (her time; years our time), she’s sure sensitive about it now.  Maybe she’s just in shock.  The stages of shock involve denial and anger, don’t they?

↓ Transcript
Roger: Girii!
Girii: I...'m okay...didn't think...it would hurt that much.
Roger: What did you expect? Remember, once you punched me and gave yourself a black eye?
Girii: I know, but...I have to do this. Have to be strong. Do what's necessary.
Roger: Damn, Girii. You sound just like Jacob.
Girii: I am nothing like Jacob!

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Barzha says:

    geeze just googled it, grief is up to 7 stages, shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing and acceptance
    shock just came up with 4 stages that are medical related, initial, compensatory, progressive and refractory.
    so we could have initial shock to the pain of feeling someone else shot along with depression/testing grief that she caused it and denial at becoming like Jacob, either way wouldnt want to be in her shoes right now

  2. Pat Scaramuzza says:

    Don’t mistake my text after the image for a genuine question, Barzha. I’m just making playful banter and throwing clues out for the readers. Remember that I know exactly what’s going on, in this page and the next. 🙂

  3. Z00l00k says:

    Is Girii going to exploring the dark side?

  4. ben says:

    Huh, as an emotion reader, she should know the real Jacob better than any ordinary human could. So it seems a bit odd that she’s so upset by the comparison.

  5. Thor says:

    Girii, you are killing people because you think it is in everyone’s best interest, and you are not happy about it. I can’t think of a better description of Jacob Doe.