I hope you are all properly ashamed of what we’ve done to western culture. I know I am.

— Scott Mayo
Page 17

Page 17

I don’t know if I’m any great shakes at character design, but I have to say that I love the design of Jacob. His default look is moody, creepy, and intimidating. But he’s capable of much more emotional range than you’d expect from a character with no pupils. I understand the appeal of Lil’ Orphan Annie, now.

↓ Transcript
Jacob: I...I couldn't... Huh. The people I came here to kill...just cooked me breakfast. Damn it. I hope this is poisoned. If it isn't, I might need to retire.

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Discussion (2)¬

  1. SCAScot says:

    For 90-something, Jacob is surprisingly spry and fit. It’s almost as if he were genetically engineer…nah.

  2. -jt- says:

    Love the poses panels 3-6. You almost don’t need the words in panel 5 – the pose in 6 says the same thing. Also, you seem to have a ‘cleaner’ look to the bg’s.